(Dare) I dare ya' to KILL

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Dare: I dare ya' to kill a puppy with all girls watching.

By: Filipino_girl2005

Me: *still a yandere*stab the little puppy*blood squirted everywhere*
*continue stabbing the puppy*

Girls: *jawdropped* *closed eyes* *faints* ewwww...

Then the 2Ps appeared...

2P Singapore: Oh Yeah! Go 1P Philippines!!!

2P Piri: You're such a Yandere Maria... *sighed*

2P Indonesia: What the Heck Clara?, Im enjoying this!!

Suitors of 1P philippibes appeared,

2P Philippines: *see his Prince Charming( America)* My Prince!! America!
*Glomp him*

America: Wat d Hell?! Get of me! You're not Piri neither Eng---
*stopped when he realized what his saying*
I said get of me!!!

Ask Or Dare Piri-Chan!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon