(Dare) Take Care of...

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Dare: Let the Countries take care of ChibiMariah/ OcFlorida_Hetalia!

By: Ysa! The sister of Mariah-chan

Me: ok im just gonna wake up Mariah-chan ok?

-go to Mariah's room-

Me: *waking Mariah-chan* Mariah....

Mariah: hmmmm~~ yeah?

Kyyaaahhh so cute!

Me: We have a dareeeee, from your sister! Ysa!

Mariah: Ahhh ok! So what is it?

Me: The Countries will take care of you on this day.

Mariah: oh yeah?


Me: come in!

England: hey.

America: Yow!! The Hero's here!
Countries: Konnichiwa/ Ni hao / Annyeonghaseyo / Hello

Mariah and Me: Kamusta~? / Hello!

Me: Hey! Can you guys give me favor? I just want you too take care of Mariah for once please...?

China: Aiya! We don't have problem with that aru. So okay!

Me: Alright then! Oh I have an announcement!

America: What is it?

Me: Mariah is one of the states----

Countries: WHAATTTT!?

Mariah: Can you please calm down? *with a cute little voice and american accent*

Me: Mariah Can you please introduce yourself.....again?

Mariah: Im Mariah! And Im Florida! Im one of the states of America! :D

America: What the f--?!?! You're my ****?!?!

Mariah: Fucking sadly yes! -.-

Me: Oh well, just take care of her! Im already late! Bye Mariah!

Mariah: Bye~!


Me: Oh he------What Happen?!

Mariah: *crying* They take off my mask!

Me: Oh No.

Mariah: *still crying*

Me: So you did this to them?

Mariah: *nods*

Me: that's okay, they deserved it. So you want apples? *walking away with Mariah*

Mariah: Yeah!!

Do you know what saw? All the countries laying down unconcious. -.- Great.

Ask Or Dare Piri-Chan!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon