Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

"Veronica!" Grandma cheered as she came rushing out the door. I smiled softly and ran up to hug her.

"Grandma!" I yelled out hugging her. She hugged me back and pulled away.

"You've gotten so big." She said.

"Mom, how are you?" Mom asked as she dragged our suitcases to the porch. She went up to grandma and hugged her close. I knew how long it has been since she's seen her. Mom was so excited once she planned this trip and it made me happy that she is happy.

"I'm good, dear. How about yourself?" Grandma said cheerfully.

Mom shrugged. "Same old, same old." Mom stated. She began to drag the suitcases inside.

"Jenny, you can have your old room. And Veronica, you can have the basement. It's the guest room and I'm pretty sure you will like it. I had a few friendly teens help me design it all." Grandma said kneeling in front of her rose garden and picking a rose. She brought it up to her nose and smelled it. "Why don't you go look around town. I don't think your mom would mind letting you use the car."

"I don't mind. Here." My mom said handing me the keys.

"Thanks mom." I replied kissing her cheek and grabbing my suitcase from her to take to my room. I went down into the basement and gasped. It was huge and was the perfect bedroom just like grandma had said. There was a decent size TV and a couch that sat before it. There was a desk and a bed. There was a full size stand up mirror and a dresser for my clothes. A play station and board games lay beside the TV. This room was very spacious and my ideal room. I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket so I could FaceTime the girls and show them the room I'd be staying in. My eyes grew wide when I realized it wasn't my phone in my hands.

I stared at the lock screen. Two adorable little kids were staring back at me. "This has to be that guys phone. I must have grabbed his instead of mine. Oh my gosh." I said to myself as I face palmed my forehead. I slid the lock button over to unlock the phone. Thankfully, it didn't have a password. I quickly dialed my phone number and let it ring.

"Hello?" A familiar voice questioned.

"I think I have your phone and you have mine." I said quickly.

The guy chuckled. "I was wondering why my phone starting singing 'Lego House' for an incoming call."

I laughed. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" The guy cut me off before I could finish. "It's okay, hun. Can you meet me at the Avon theatre? I wouldn't mind having my phone back. Can you meet me as soon as possible?" He asked laughing lightly.

"Of course. I understand completely. I was about to go out anyway." I told him beginning to put my shoes on. He hung up before he replied. I grabbed the keys off the bed beside me and rushed back upstairs and out the door.

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