Missing: Part 1 - Dean

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"Behave, don't let anyone in the house, and if there's trouble, go to Sam, you know where the bunker is." Your dad listed off.

A while ago, Dean bought an apartment so you could have friends over without having to explain that your house was 'half underground.'

"I know, Dad. This isn't the first time you left. And, besides, you're only gonna be gone for a couple of days."

"You sure you're gonna be okay? Maybe I should send you to Sam, just to be safe."

"Daddy, I'm 16, I don't need my uncle to babysit me. I don't need anyone to babysit me. Just don't forget to call me every night."

"I know." He kissed your forehead and left.

~ Time skip to a few days later ~

Dean was supposed to be back 3 days ago. And he hasn't called to say he was gonna be late. In fact, he hasn't called to say anything at all.

You couldn't keep waiting. You decided to get in the car Dean bought you and drive to the bunker. Maybe Uncle Sam could help.

You got to the bunker and no one was there. Not that you could see. You walked into the library where Sam was usually at.

Nope, not there either. Suddenly, you heard a gun cock behind you.

You quickly turned around and put your hands up. "Don't shoot, it's only me!"

Sam put the gun away. "You scared me, I didn't expect you to be here. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home? You're only supposed to be here when there's an emergency."

"Uncle Sam, there is an emergency."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Sam looked worried.

"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."

A/N: Sorry it's so short, but hey, it works. I was really excited to write this, cause I came up with it myself, Part 2 will be up in a few days.

Today was Homecoming, and I was really excited. I got a really pretty dress, and some painful high heels, but I went through most the night barefoot. Oh well. And the Homecoming game yesterday? We won. 30-6. It was awesome. I mean, I didn't really understand it, I don't get sports, but I did hang out with my friends and have a good time. Even though it was fucking freezing cold outside!

Once again, if you have any requests, leave them in the comments or message me.

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