Chapter One

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"So you are Ellion?" I stared at the Emperor, still unable to understand why I was standing here in the magnificent Imperial Palace. I had heard stories of its beauty, it's golden walls, it's massive statues, it's vaulted ceilings, but I never imagined I would enter the place.

"Yes sir." I responded.

"I'm assuming they didn't tell you about your new post." The Emperor looked at me slightly concerned, or maybe that was simply the look of a man who has run an empire for tens of years. It must be more stressful than anyone can imagine.

"No, Your Majesty. I was not given any details about my new post. However, it is quite an honor to be briefed you yourself." To be honest, I was getting a little worried. I had accepted this post without any information. Obviously, I had been recommended for the position and talked to some of my superior officers before I had accepted, but every time I asked for information I was told all details were classified. And now I was being briefed by the Emperor. This was getting to be too much.

"Well of course I'm briefing you for this job." The Emperor chuckled. "You're going to be my daughter's bodyguard, after all."

It took me a few seconds to realize what he said. "Wait, you don't mean..."

The Emperor smiled. "Come, let me introduce you." He stood up from his throne and started walking towards one of the teleporters in the room. I followed him, still somewhat shocked by this announcement. As we entered the teleporter, a strange feeling filled my chest. I couldn't determine if it was excitement, worry, or angst.

As we exited the teleporter I looked around. We were now under a glass dome with a tall tower in the center. There was a circular pathway around the inside of the dome with several pathways leading from the outside to the tower. Beneath the pathways was a small pond and an impressive garden. When I looked out the dome, I could see the entirety of Alcomoth, the Imperial Capital. It was all gorgeous. The Emperor waited for me to take all of this in then motioned for me to follow him. Still in awe, I continued to stare at the beautiful scenery.

We entered the villa and continued on. I decided to ignore the inside of the villa; obviously it was beautiful but I couldn't keep stopping to take in the sights. Finally, the Emperor stopped.

"Here is my daughter's room. But first, please excuse her for anything she might say. She's opposed the idea of getting a bodyguard since I proposed it. She may say some things towards you that you may find offensive but I promise she doesn't truly mean to insult you." The Emperor looked at me apologetically.

"I understand, Your Majesty." So the princess didn't want a bodyguard but her father got her one anyways. This was going to go well.

"Melia, dear, please would you come out? I'd like to introduce you to someone."

"Father, I swear if this person is to be my bodyguard..." So this was what the princess sounded like. Her voice was very posh, not that I was surprised, her being royalty and all, and very irritated.

"Dear, please, would you at least meet him before you make such statements?" The Emperor was practically pleading with her now, although there was something more in his voice. Ah yes, authority.

The girl sighed and opened the door. "Alright Father, I am here now." She was still obviously unpleased with her father's decision. But that didn't take away from how beautiful she was. She wore a pink, silk-like dress and a matching cape. Her curly, silver hair nearly reached her shoulders. Her blue eyes stared fiercely at the Emperor. However, her most noticeable features were her wings. Like all High Entia, Melia had feathery wings on her head, vestigial structures passed down from our ancestors that had no real use now. However, Melia's wings were quite small, suggesting that she was only half High Entia.

The Emperor motioned towards me. "This is Ellion, he is to be your bodyguard."

"Father, I do not wish to argue in front of company, but I do NOT need a bodyguard. I can take care of myself. Put him on some more important duty."

"Melia, what could be more important than keeping my own daughter safe?" The Emperor had a good point, but I knew from past experience to not get involved in fights between higher ranking officers, or in this case, between the Emperor and his daughter.

"Ugh!" Melia turned away and walked towards her room. When she passed through the door, she slammed it.

"I'm so very sorry, she usually isn't like this," the Emperor apologized.

"No, I understand, Your Majesty." I thought about making some witty remark, but knew it was best to not do anything that might rile the Emperor up.

"Well then, let me show you to your quarters. I am sure you must be tired now."

"Yes, thank you, sir." The Emperor led the way through the halls of the Imperial Villa and showed me to my room. I thanked him for his hospitality and headed into the room. I quickly got changed out of my formal attire and got ready for sleep. I knew I was going to need all the rest I could get to deal with Melia the next day.

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