Chapter Three

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As Melia and I ran, the pain in my arm worsened. The adrenaline that had been masking the pain was slowly ebbing away, allowing me to feel the full force of my injury. I tried to mask it, but Melia saw right through my facade.

"Look, you don't have to act all tough for me. That's a serious injury, I know it hurts." Melia looked genuinely concerned which surprised me.

"Look, it's either this or I scream. I'm pretty sure she cut into the bone." Melia recoiled slightly, obviously disturbed by the description. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you like that, milady."

"No, I should be used to things like that; I've had to fight before and I've seen worse injuries. It's not your fault."

"But still, milady, there was no need for me to say that in front of you." We continued on in silence; I continued to clutch my arm, genuinely concerned that it might fall off.

We ran down hallway after hallway, I still didn't know where exactly we were headed but I trusted Melia.

As we approached another corner, we heard voices.

"Hurry up and find her, we cannot allow that half-breed to escape!" The voice was distorted, like those of the assassins.

"Yes, ma'am!" several other voices called back in response.

"Dang it, dang it!" Melia grabbed my left arm and started running away from the voices.

"Ow, ow, can we slow down?" Pain was tearing through my arm now, it didn't really like running.

"Yes, yes, but we need to get moving. If we don't, they'll find us and you're in no condition to fight," Melia replied, much to my relief. "Look, that was the only way out so we need to get to the safe room." I nodded and we continued on at a slightly slower pace.

We worked our way through even more hallways, turning left and right. "I really need to learn the layout of this building," I thought. There was no way I'd find my way out by myself and that needed to change. Finally, Melia stopped. I didn't see an entrance, but that made sense. Wouldn't want the safe room to be out in the open.

I watched as Melia pulled one of the many paintings off the wall and pushed a button that was hidden behind it. She hung the painting back up and said, "Come on, it's only a little bit further." At the next intersection we turned right, there was a opening in the wall that was so irregular it had to be the hidden entrance to the safe room. We got inside and Melia pressed a few more buttons, closing the door.

"All right, we should be safe. Don't worry, the room's soundproof. My father had it built as a war room in case the Mechon ever made it into the palace," Melia informed me.

"I see," I responded.

"We have to do something about that arm," Melia continued. "Honestly I'm surprised you haven't passed out from blood loss. Here, let me help." Melia took off her cape and ripped some of the fabric into strips. The rest she used to clean the wound, which did not feel pleasant. "I'm sorry," she apologized as she wiped away the blood.

Through gritted teeth I responded, "No, it's not your fault. I put full blame on that assassin. But thanks for doing this."

"As opposed to what? Sit here and let you bleed out? Sorry, that came out wrong. But I'm not going to just sit here and let you die when I know a little about medicine." She had finished cleaning the wound and was now summoning some ether. "All right, this is the part where it starts to feel a lot better." She gathered the ether in her hands and applied it to my arm. She was right, it felt immediately a lot better. "That's going to accelerate the healing process but it won't stop the bleeding. That's what these are for." As carefully as she could, Melia started to wrap the arm with cloth, making sure to get some in the cut and keep the whole thing tight.

"I guess I should thank you for saving me back there. I wouldn't be alive now if not for you." Melia looked at the floor, it was obvious that part of her didn't want to say that.

"You shouldn't thank me yet, there's still a chance some of those assassins find us," I replied.

"Right, but I've lived longer than I would have alone and I have a much higher chance of surviving thanks to you. So, thanks." I took this as a good sign and decided to try to keep conversation going.

"I have some idea already, but why were you so adamant against having a bodygaurd?" I asked.

"Well, I can gaurentee that it had nothing to do with you personally. I just felt as though my dad was getting me a babysitter to keep me out of trouble. Although, now I'm definitely glad he insisted on me getting one." Melia smiled at me. I tried to return the expression, but I've always been bad at smiling on command.

"Perhaps we can start again? I mean, meeting each other and all that." This was really awkward to say, but I did want to start over. I mean, I was going to be protecting her for the rest of my life. I might as well get along with her.

"Yes, that's a good idea. I'm Melia Antiqua and it's nice to meet you." She reached out her hand to shake mine.

I accepted the gesture and said, "Ellion, Ellion Yltma. And same to you." From there we maintained a somewhat awkward conversation. I stayed near the door, ready to stop any intruders that might come in. After about half an hour, the door started to open. I drew my sword, ready to attack whoever came through. My left hand shook, it wasn't used to the weight of my sword. I charged, ready to take out the possible assailant. However, my sword collided not with the metal of another sword or the flesh of the incoming person, but with the ether of an imperial guard's shield.

"Hold, hold, we are not your enemy!" called out one of the approaching guards. I had stopped attacking after my first blow and now stepped back. The Emperor emerged from behind the guards.

"Oh, thank goodness you are both safe. When I heard about the attack, I gathered as many soldiers as I could and rushed over here," the Emperor said.

"I hate to admit it father, but Ellion saved my life. He," for some reason, everything was starting to look fuzzy and then I was falling. "Ellion! Ellion!" That was the last thing I heard Melia exclaim before I lost consciousness.

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