Chapter 14

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Jaden's POV

"What the hell?" I asked. Why was Julia wearing Cole's sweatshirt, wait a second. Why was she even here. She is never at Cole's house.
"Hey...Jaden." Cole said. "What's up?"
"What's going on here?"
"We are having a good fight." Cole said matter of factly. Julia is hiding behind Cole's body, and he has his hand on her arm pushing her behind him, like I'm going to eat her or something.
"Well, that's, cool, because...I was just coming over here to ask you if you wanted to hang but clearly I can see your busy and plus, Jess asked me to go to the movies today any way. She had a total crush on me, we will probably hook up tonight." I tried to say all the things that would make her jealous, maybe even turn a slight shade of red. She cheated on me with my best friend. "Okay, Jaden. You go do that." Cole says. "Ok, I'll come over later?" I ask. "Yeah, sure." he says. He says it really fast because I think he just wants me to leave. No. Problem.

Julia's POV

I just got shot with an egg when Jaden walked in. I had mixed feeling about him. I love Cole. I just figured that out, like, yesterday. But, I was in love with Jaden. Seeing him made me rethink everything I was feeling. Was I just using Cole to try to replace a hole in my heart? Or was Jaden the one I was really in love with? He started talking about how he had to go see Jess because they were going to the movies. I got really sad for a moment because I knew that was a dig to try to make me feel guilty for being with Cole or to try to make me jealous. I went behind Cole and he shielded me away from Jaden. I remembered the times Jaden and shared together. I know that sounds soooo corny, like "remember all those great moments" but I really was like flashing back toward all the happy times in our relationship. I don't understand how we went from watching baseball and cuddling in my room, and tapping noses, to hating each other. Jaden and I have been really great- and possibly best friends- since before we could talk, and I hate that I feel like I want to hate him. I want him to be like he was before he was famous and every girl wasn't doodling his name into their textbooks. When he left, Cole grabbed my shoulders and put my in front of him and looked at me, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask."
"Come on Julia i wasn't born yesterday. You had a thing with Jaden. It doesn't just go away. How did you feel when you saw him? Are you good?"
"Yeah, I'm perfect." I kissed his nose. He smiled at me, like really genuinely smiled, he kissed the top of my forehead, and brought me into a bear hug.

Cole's POV

When Jaden walked in, I had a few things on my mind. 1.) keep your calm. If I started throwing punches now, Julia would hate me, his fan girls would hate me because his perfect face would be ruined, and if probably would be grounded, which means I wouldn't be able to see Julia, so I kept my calm. 2.) Grab Julia. I don't know why I wanted her near me so bad. Like, what is Jaden gonna do? Lunge at her and bite into her neck until he rips her throat our? Probably not, but I just felt safer having her next to me. and 3.) act like you don't have a single interest in what he is saying. If I did, Julia would probably get pissed and then I would have to deal with that. I love her, but she's moody, and it takes FOREVER to bring her back. One time, when we were little, and she didn't get to be the car she wanted when we were playing with toy cars, she threw the biggest got and we all said, "Screw it, just give her the freaking car." because honestly I wasn't worth it. When he left, I was worried Julia's feelings for him came back, but by the look of disgust on her face, I think i am winning right now. She kissed my nose, and all I wanted to do was grab and hug her.

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