Chapter V

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My eyes flutter open. I am in a small white room. The room was plain, and everything was bleached so white that it hurt my eyes. I look around more and find that to my right is the only decoration there was was a small white table with a flower vase on the top with one white daisy in it. Besides that, the bed I was laying on was the only furnishing. I was walled in on three sides, with a plain, white, hospital curtain straight ahead of me.

I start to have a small panic attack, as I remember the email and the letter. Then I wonder if anyone -besides me- ever found either, hopefully not.

A few minutes later, when I've calmed down, a nurse comes in to check on me. She smiles warmly and says, "well I'm glad to see your awake. How are you feeling?"

"Fine," I answer, "when can I leave?"

The nurse laughs a little and says, "as soon as the doctor gives the 'okay'." She checks the IV in my arm, my blood pressure, heart rate, ect. She scribbles down on the clipboard she is carrying and tells me, "the doctor will be in soon, all your vitals look fine so I think you will soon be able to leave." With that she walks out, leaving my alone once again.

It seems like forever before the doctor comes, but eventually he does. "Hello, I am Dr. Elton Cline. I will be assisting you today."

"Hi... So you when I can leave?" I ask.

"As soon as possible."

"How soon is that?"

He smiles and chuckles a little, "like I said before, as soon as possible." I can see I'm getting nowhere, so I decide to try and relax a little. Eventually sleep take me into oblivion.

As I am in my peaceful oblivion of sleep, a dream comes to me. It is September 09, 1911. The night I got struck by lightning. I am in my favorite red raincoat, walking down 5th Avenue. We live in New York City at the time. The rain is pounding on the pavement and there is a slight fog in the air. But I couldn't be happier. Rain is my favorite weather, and I love fog. Of course other things mad me happy, too. I was a young adult, I guess I still am but then it was the first time. I had freedom and a good job. I was dating the man who would later become my husband, and we would have an amazing life together. In my sleep, I smile sadly, remembering how great everything was back then.

I continue to walk down the pavement, smiling to myself. Looking up at the sky, raindrops splatter across my face. I see lighting in the distance, listening to the thunder that comes after. I find a bench and sit the for a few minutes watching the beautiful storm rage. It was nice to just sit, after a long day of work. I glance at the watch on my wrist and decide I should get back to my apartment. I walk back to my building, which isn't far.

When I reach my building, I take one last look back at the storm, wondering how long the storm will last. As I stare, I see a flicker of movement in the corner of my eye. I turn to look, but see nothing. I tell myself it was probably som Emerson getting home late, just like me. I turn back around and enter my building. I cross over to the elevator, which I wouldn't normally do, I prefer to use the stairs. But tonight I am worn out and tired, so I get in and tell the bellboy floor 24. I live in the top floor in a penthouse. On the way up, I realized it there was a man in the elevator, standing next to me. I give a polite smile and tun back around. Maybe if I had looked a moment longer, I could've seen the evil glint in his eyes, with a smug grin plastered on his face.

My stop comes, and I get off the elevator. I shuffle over to my coatrack, and hang my coat up. Again I see a flicker of movement. I tell myself I am just way to tired and need to rest. To sleepy to walk up the stairs to my room, I flop down on my couch. After a while I get bored of that so I make my way to my balcony. I walk outside and feel the rain pitted patter on my dark hair. I lean on my balcony and watch the city at night, a gorgeous scene, especially with the rain. I stand on the tips of my toes and lift one leg onto the top of the balcony. I push my self up into standing position. All of a sudden a huge volt of lightning strikes right next to me. Or at least what I thought was right next to me.

I felt my self lose my balance and in that fraction of a second find myself searing with pain, and I fall to the floor of my balcony, convulsing and writhing in an unbearable pain. I black out.

But my dream continues, forcing my to bear the pain. In my dream I come back to reality, knowing I must have not been out for long, the rain still pouring down on me. All I can think about is how stupid I was to let myself lose my balance. The lightning was right next to me. I could been shaken up a bit, but mostly fine. Now I don't know if I have suffered from brain damage or who knows what else. But what I can't seem to shake is how I lost my balance. I was standing up there perfectly fine. It was almost as if I was pushed by something.

This is when I wake up up. I start screaming my head off. It all makes sense the letter, the email, everything. Inside the letter was a picture of a girl. Who looked exactly like me. Standing on a balcony rail that looked just like mine. The girl had her mouth open in a cry. Light was piercing her body. She was bathed in a horrible blinding white light. The girl was being struck. By lightning.

Author's Note: Surprise! Since it is fall break, I will be posting chapters all week, whenever I feel like it! Please fell free to correct me on any mistakes I make grammatically or in my spelling. Also I just changed the cover! Let me know what you think of it!🙈

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