Chapter II

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Twenty years ago now was the heart-wrenching year my daughter died. I currently work for a large technology company in which I have built myself up to have become pretty successful.

They would be proud. If they were here, and could see all I have accomplished, they would be so proud. I work hard for them. Everything I do is for them. I actually bother to get up out of bed and for them.

Today is January 19, 2022. It is the memorial of my daughter's death. She died of lung cancer. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, and think about how every year I am forced to relive all this pain. I reluctantly open my eyes and get out of bed. Groggily, I make my way to my bathroom and get washed up.

I dress in a light blue blouse and black dress pants. I glance at my mirror and add to my appearance my silver locket with a picture of my family my daughter gave to me on Mother's Day when she was twelve. Once out of my walk-in closet, which is connected to my bathroom, I go downstairs and eat a quick breakfast of granola mixed with yogurt. Grabbing my keys, cell phone, and bag I make my way to my two car garage and get into my CR-V.

As I pull out of my garage, my phone starts buzzing. I peek at the lit up screen, still watching the road carefully. There is a weather alert for heavy rain in the next hour. I look out my window at the sky and sure enough, see some clouds. I drive to Starbucks and order my usual coffee frappuccino. I decide to sit for a while and get some work done, so I take out my Mac lab top and pull up my files.

After I feel I have a sufficient amount of work done, I pack up and walk out to my car, leaving a two dollars in the tip jar. I turn on my phone before I start driving again to check my email and the time. I respond to my emails and make sure I'm not running late. It's only 7:30 and my commute to work from here is only a ten minute drive. I will be early since my job starts at eight. When I reach my work I make sure to silence my iPhone then rummage through my bag, also silencing my iPad and iPod. I walk through the automatic doors my building, which is the main building, and am greeted by the intercom that goes off whenever someone comes in, "Welcome to Apple headquarters incorporated."

Author's Note: All media I use is not copyrighted (probably just off the web).📱

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