chapter 14

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Nora's POV.

I woke up in some ones car. There is a guy in the car with me. Who is he? What am I doing in his car? I tried to think of any possible way I could have ended up in his car. He starts to talk to me but I am in such a daze I did not hear. "Who are you? " I asked. He stared at me with a blank look. I need to get out of his car. But something about him seemed fimlar but I don't know what. Every time I tried to pin point who he is my memory just seems to float away. All I know is I need to get out of this car. "Angel are you OK?" He asked me with worry in his voice. Who is he and why is he calling my that. I start to panic so I grab the door handle and pulled. To my luck it was not on child lock. I pushed the door open and ran out. "Hey! Nora!" I hear that oh so fimlar guy yell after me. I start to run from the car. There was a guy that was standing there watching my smiling at me. I get a bad vib from him so I run the other way. The guy from the car was following me. I was walking now but when I looked behind me the guy from the car was almost to me. He was running at me!! Without thinking I sprint as fast as I can away from him. He was catching up fast. I looked ahead and pumped my arms. I saw a fence the leads to the beach. I can jump it and lose him. I run to the fence and jump over it. I almost face plate on the rocks. But I gained my balance. I continued to go down the rocks. He jumped the fence and was almost to me. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I yelled at him. "Never" he said back. Who does he think he is. He needs to leave me alone. I don't even know him. There was a little drop. But then again it was pretty high. It was at least 6 feet. But I had to pick jump or let this guy get me. My choice was to jump. Before I can over think it I jumped. That was not so bad I thought to myself. I landed on my backside. I got up and was about to run when the guy jumped down. And landed on his feet. I was half shocked and half scared. I did not know what to do. I tried to run but something told me not to go. Just then someone said in my thoughts Please Nora you have to remember. It was the guy. "How did you do that" I asked. "Do what" he asked with a smile. A wave of questions just washed over me. How did he talk in my head? Why was I in his car? Why did he chase me? How does he know me? Why is he so fimlar? Was he kidnapping me? No he would have hurt me by now wouldn't he? I feel safe around him for some reason. But I don't know why. I was lost in my thoughts I did not realize that he was no right in front of me. We were only inches away. He brushed some hair out of my face. When he made contact I felt this blast of hurt that spreaded through my entire body. I was such a rush I lost balance and started to fall. Next thing I know I am in that guys arms. He is starting at me with worried eyes. I looked behind him and saw the guy from early on the street. He had a mad look on his face but then he smiled and everything went black.

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