chapter 19

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Nora's POV.

I woke up to the sound of an engine. I looked out the window and just saw things flying by. Who ever was driving was going pretty fast. How did I even get in the car. I hear someone whisper yell "shit" and then the car served barely missing a deer. I shoot up, which was a bad idea because i became instantly got light headed and fell on the floor board. I heard a little laugh then the driver said "good morning angle." He said with a smile still playing on his lips. I got back on the seats as I croaked "what time is it?"I looked out the window as he said " 2:30 am." He must have been driving forever. I can tell he is tired because his eyes slowly start to close then they fly back open. " hey, let me drive" I blurt out. "I got this you just, relax." He said. "Pleaseeeeeeeeee" I start but I am cut off by patch saying "fine." As he pulled over. "Just stay on road okay" I nodded my head and went to the driver's side. I got in and started down the street as soon as patch got in. It was too quiet so I reach over and turned the radio on low. Katy Perry was playing. I looked over to the passenger seat and saw patch sound asleep. I turn the music down a little more and then focused on the road. The road was empty for awhile until there was people standing in the middle of the road. I had a sudden flash back to the time when I was in the car with Hank and we were heading to the hospital.
I am about to wake up patch when I see a black SUV behind me and it is caughting up fast. I am now fear stricken at the sight. The black SUV slammed into the side of the car. At that point of time I was thinking OMG WERE GOING TO DIE!!!! "PATCH" I yelled and he shot up with worry and alarm in his eyes. The SUV hit the car again with so much force that the car almost went off the road. Patch reached over and jerked the wheel so the car was back on the road. "What happend!" Patch yelled. I wish I knew. " they just showed up" I said. The SUV pulled close and you could hear the loud thumping of two people jumping on the top of the car. I screamed as the back window shattered and the two people jumped in. Patch unbuckled to fight them but it was too late. Some one has grabbed the wheel and pulled the wheel. The two men grabbed patch but did not get to me in time. The car was about to go off the cliff when the two men pulled patch out of the car and all three of them layed there watching the car started to roll. Patch yelled something but all I heard was the crushing of metal. This is it...this is how I am going to die. I thought the car was going to stop because it started to get to flat ground but there was another cliff. I started to scream as it went off. Everything started to go in slow motion. Metal was reaching out to me and piercing my skin. I screamed louder in pain. The car came to a stop at the bottom. I was in so much pain it did not hurt. A warm blanket started to cover me but I did not fight it, I let is cover me. I heard a sound of beating wings. Am I dead? I asked myself as they got closer. All I could see was white all around me. Then there was a man with huge gorgeous wings standing there. The angel said in a voice that sound like church bells " it is not your time Nora Gray. " wait what is he talking about? Is I not time for me to be here or is it not time for me to die? "What" I asked with curiosity in my Voice. He just smiles at me then the world goes dark. I open my eyes and I am not in that white place, which I think is heaven anymore. I hear patch yelling my name and I can hear the hurt and lost in his voice. I start to cry at the sound of his voice and I am tempted to say something but I don't. The pain is gone and I don't have a single injury. The car is a few feet away and is looks so sad because it is almost flat and it is upside down with a fire on it. I get up and slow walk to the forest. I hear a loud explosion and then a gust of heat hits me. But I continue to walk without looking back. I don't know what has gotten into me bit I don't care anymore. I feel safe and protected for some reason. Some how I feel like I am supposed to be doing this. As I walk past the birds stop singing their songs and watch. The sun is now setting and I keep walking. I have no clue where I am going I just know I want to go there. I found a road with a car on the side. As I start to walk to the driver side the door opens. But no one is inside. I sit in the driver's seat and the car comes alive. I close the door and drive. I have no thoughts or worries I am just driving to who knows where. I am driving past the place were the car went of the cliff. The black SUV is parked and the people are standing around where the car went off the cliff. But patch was sitting down leaning against the tire on the SUV with his head is his hands. He looked up and saw me in the car. We locked eye contact and he got up and started to run to the car. I picked up speed leaving him there and I slowly turned my head straight. Angel please come back patch whispered into my head. Tears started to slide down my face but I did not stop. I glanced down and saw I had a full tank of gas. I know I can make it a long way. All I can think is whatever happend here I must get away and not come back, and I don't care who I am leaving behind.

An: what's going on with Nora? Anyways sorry it took so long to update. I hope you like. Thxs bye☺

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