(1) Fatigued, Torpid, Relinquished

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The black haired girl sat on the edge of the bed, her hair slick and damp, leaving wet trails on her bare skin. A shower continued to run in the bathroom on the other side of the wall, the sound of the water evident in the silence. Inert, she stared straight ahead, her face indifferent.

It was twilight and the hazy golden light slanted through the window blades into the room. One of the strips crossed her face, casting a faded ray of light across her sunken cheeks. More golden bands curled around her upper torso and waist. The room was empty excepting the bed and the desk adjacent to it. Void of any emotion, her eyes stared emptily ahead of her at the photo frame that sat isolated on the wooden table.


The man scratched his head sheepishly. "Hey," he began quietly. "I know I've been a pretty sucky father these past few years..."

"You never looked for me," the girl stared straight at him, pain and accusation in her eyes. "You knew where I was the entire time but you never came for me."

The man wore a solemn expression on his face, which was rather rare for a man as childish as he was. "I was young when you were born," he said with a hint of sadness tugging at his voice. "A daughter...I was scared," he walked towards the trembling girl and pulled her in, embracing her tightly. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice cracking.

"Will you give me...one....just one more chance?"

She began to cry, tears running in rivulets down her cheeks and soaking his shoulders. Hiccups and gasps burst uncontrollably from her mouth as she tried to calm her heaving chest.

"I'm sorry," he repeated, his voice lachrymose. "I'm sorry."


The girl's face remained impassive at the memory. The room was heavy with a blanket of silence; it felt as if it wasn't right to disrupt it. Small trickles of water from her hair flowed down her bare body. Down her back, dripping off her elbows, outlining the shape of her breasts...


The girl stood still, trying to read the expression on her father's face. She had left for a mission that lasted three years and she wasn't sure how her father would react now that she had returned.

"Wow, you haven't changed much...." He shook his head with obvious disappointment, arms crossed.

"What do you mean?" The girl asked warily.

"Well you sure haven't developed much in that area..."

She followed his gaze to her chest and screeched with fury. "You old geezer!" She made a strangled leap towards the man, who was rack with laughter on the ground.


Even after they had made up, she had never had a normal relationship with her father. Because he had been so young, it always felt as if he was like her best friend instead of her father.

She closed her eyes. Everything felt too real. For some strange reason, the girl was painfully aware of her surroundings. The utter darkness in the room interrupted only by the few strands of fading light. Tributaries marking their cold trek down her smooth back. The soft feeling of her skin. She could even smell her own scent, intoxicating with the pleasant odors of baby lotion and vanilla soap. But in the dark room it felt overwhelming, suffocating even. But most of all, she was anchored down by the strange sensation in her chest. It was a rare feeling, one she couldn't fully make sense of and so she sat there, trying her best not to move her chest, to let that heavy substance sit on her chest, stagnant.

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