The Phoenix

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It was a normal day for Patrick. His 2 year old son was drawing as always, his wife watching tv. Everything was perfect in his life. He never thought anything could go wrong.

That was until his phone rang.

He fished it out of his pocket, seeing Pete's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey, Pete." Patrick said casually.

"Patrick, oh my god, you've gotta get up here now!" Pete sounded panicked on the other line, instantly sparking panic in Patrick.

"Whoa, why, what happened?" Patrick said, sitting up. His wife glanced at him, a confused look on her face.

"I- I don't know, one moment we were there, the next we were here, I just-"

"Pete, calm down! What happened?" Patrick repeated.

"He- He's dead, Patrick! Saint is dead!" Patrick nearly dropped the phone.

"WHAT!?" Patrick practically screamed. Elisa jumped and Declan looked up at him as he sprang off the couch.

"I- I'm at the hospital by the mall," Pete breathed, "please come soon!" Then hung up. Patrick bolted upstairs, throwing on a cardigan and black skinny jeans, a black fedora and his glasses.

Elisa appeared holding Declan as he was putting his shoes on.

"Elisa, I need you to stay here with the baby," Patrick said quickly. "Pete's son is dead." He stood and hugged her, kissing Declan's head before walking out. What happened next almost broke his heart.

"D-daddy, no go adain,"

Patrick froze, forcing himself to keep the tears down. It was hard being away from him for so long due to tours and meetings and interviews. He turned around, walking back up to Declan and taking him from Elisa.

"Look, buddy I gotta go. Uncle Pete's really sad, and I gotta go help him out. I promise, I'll be back super soon, okay?" Patrick said sweetly.

"Pwomise?" Declan held up his pinkie. Patrick smiled and linked his to it.

"Promise." He handed Declan back to Elisa and headed out, saying, "I'll be back either later tonight or tomorrow! I love you!"

He drove as fast as he was allowed, going over at times. One of the major streets was blocked off, and Patrick could see there was a major car crash. He just nodded it away and kept driving to the hospital.

He parked the car, hopped out and rushed inside. The last at the counter smiled and asked, "Hello, how may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Peter We-" Patrick was cut off as Pete slammed into his side, knocking him off balance. Patrick managed to stand up straight, hugging Pete as he cried onto his shoulder.

"I'm such a terrible dad," Pete choked. Patrick looked down at Pete with a questioning look.

"Now why the hell would you say that?" Patrick countered.

"I-it's my fault! I didn't see the car swerve, and- and Saint was on the other side, and-" Pete was obviously hyperventilating.

"Shh, Pete! No," Patrick just ran his fingers through his friend's hair and calmed him down, sitting him down in a chair and then sitting himself next to him.

"Now Pete," Patrick said once he'd calmed down. "What happened?" Pete wiped his eyes and took a deep breath before explaining.

"I was driving him up to get lunch, and this one car in the other lane swerves directly into us, and it hit Saint, the- the doctors said he wasn't gonna last at a-all, and I didn't even get to talk to him before he-" Pete choked on the last word, and Patrick could tell.

"It's okay, Pete. It's not your fault," Patrick soothed. "Does Meagan know?" That just made Pete cry harder.

"She doesn't wanna see me! If she knew I killed our son she'd-"

"Pete, stop saying that! This isn't your fault!" Patrick interrupted. "Where is Meagan?" He asked.

Pete sniffed. "I haven't called her yet," he said calmly.

"Do you want me to? She can help you, Pete. She loves you." Patrick said, gently rubbing Pete's back. Pete nodded, Patrick pulling out his phone.

He had Meagan's number for emergencies, in which this was one. He called her, going to voicemail once before getting an answer the second time.

"Hello? Patrick?" She answered.

"Hey Meagan. You know how you said to call you only in emergencies? Well, I'm at the hospital by the mall right now, and-"

"Whoa, what happened?" Meagan sounded immediately panicked. "Is Pete okay? Are the boys- wait, I have Bronx, but is Saint okay?"

Patrick took a deep breath and said, "Pete's a little beat up, but.... Well, while they were driving to lunch, a car slammed into them and it-.... It killed Saint." He heard Meagan go silent.

"I'll be there as fast as I can," Meagan said, and hung up. Patrick locked his phone and set it next to him, hugging Pete.

"Meagan said she'll be here soon, you're gonna be alright." Patrick whispered.

"Can you stay with me too?" He hear Pete mumble. Patrick sighed, thinking of Declan. He did say he'd be back today or tomorrow.

"Of course, Pete."


Patrick had stayed at Pete's house that night, getting to know Meagan a little better, for she lived with him now.

Pete was a wreck. He didn't eat, barely slept, and always kept blaming himself. Patrick knew it was bad- and he had to go home soon.

Leaving Pete would be hard, and he thought it couldn't get any worse. Pete practically begged him to stay, but he had to leave. He really didn't want to, for now he felt like he was kind of abandoning Pete in his time of need.

Once he did get home, Elisa was rushing down the stairs and gasping at the sight of Patrick.

"Patrick! Get upstairs, now! Something's wrong with Declan!"

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