[fifty six]

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"We have little time, I can't stay for long." Theo insisted as they settled down in the dining room "Hermione's in the east wing."

"You took her to the east wing?" Draco demanded, his eyes dark "Are you mental? Fucking Theo—"

"What's with the east wing? And why the hell should we trust his word?" Ginny demanded, still unsure what was going on. If she could perform legilimency as well as her friends did, she might've been the one to tear through Theo's mind, but she couldn't. Ginny made a mental note to get Blaise to teach her one of these days.

"The east wing is a code." Blaise explained, his eyes still on Theo "That's where we take people to be tortured or interrogated."

"You took her there to be tortured?" Ron growled, his fist slamming on the table. They'd all decided to take the meeting to the dining room, so that they could all sit and plan well for their next steps. Also, because Kreacher was itching to clean up the mess that was the sitting room at the moment. "Why the hell are you even here? You should be there getting her out!"

"Would I leave her if I didn't know she'd stay alive? I convinced Rodolphus to keep her in a magic-free, sound-proof room." Theo assured them, looking at Celine "The one at the end of the hall in the east wing. My father is keeping her safe at this moment."

"Door on the left, yes." She said in recognition

"Hold up, alright, fine, we trust your word," Harry pointed at Blaise and Draco "but I just find it unfair that you can see everything through his mind."

"You should've tried to become a better wizard then, Potter." Draco rolled his eyes

"Not all of us can be freaky mind-readers, Ferret." Harry glared

"Whatever, Potter, it's our word or nothing." Draco said, before turning back to Theo "Speaking of, I think its my turn to see everything. All of it."

Theo pinched the bridge of his nose, ignoring the cups of tea that magically appeared in front of each of them. He had little time, but he also knew Draco won't leave it alone "Fine. Go ahead, but make it quick or Hermione will have been beaten to a pulp by the time I get back there."

That seemed to have gotten Draco riled up once again "Not a hair, Theodore. If they touch even a single hair on her I will—"

"Just fucking get in my head, Malfoy." Theo interrupted

Draco gripped his wand tightly, whispering "Legilimens."

"The plan is to storm Potter's party at ten in the evening. Twenty have volunteered to join the raid." Theodore Nott sr. watched as his son paced the length of his private quarters "The plan is to catch them by surprise and kill one of them off. Usual tactic of 'I'll keep killing you until one of you gives me what I want'."

"There will be aurors." Theo shook his head "You won't be able to do that."

"Do you want us to be able to do it?" His father scowled sarcastically "I thought the point was to save your little friends?"

Theo rolled his eyes "We need to make this convincing, dad, you know this."

"Rodolphus will see right through you, Theo."

"He won't." Theo shook his head "I have a plan to convince him of my loyalty. As for this raid, if your only plan is to shoot one of them dead, then disapparate after leaving a note... There's no thrill in that."

"What do you propose to do?" His father sighed

"Use Hermione as bait." Theo muttered thoughtfully "We'll make him believe that it's to lure Draco in for the spell. That way, nobody dies and he still gets the sadistic thrill he thirsts for."

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