My life with the wolves

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"Get away from me" she screamed at the man about to murder her,she had just watched him kill her husband and knew what was going to happen to her, her soft black hair cascaded wildly down her back, while her bright blue eyes searched the landscape trying to find a weapon. The man just smiled at her, but it wasn't a friendly smile, it was a cold one full of malice, suddenly he let out a malicious high pitched laugh, it pierced the cool no air."No" was the last thing she heard before he took the dagger that was in his belt and thrust it into her heart in one swift movement. She fell to the floor with a dull thump, her eyes that had once been filled with light and compassion looked dull and lifeless, he laughed again, getting an adrenaline pump from the thrill of the murder, he rounded on the crib that held the infant she looked no older than three judging by her size. He had followed the woman, her husband and her child to the camp to murder them. He took a step forward ready for the final kill but as he was about to get his weapon there came a growl from the open tent flaps he slowly turned around only to be pounced on by a pure black wolf and devoured.

Once the wolf had finished killing the disgusting human he turned to the child, gently took her blanket in his mouth, and ran away with her. The child awakened to fur, brown fluffy fur balls around her and a giant warm brown thing around them all. The giant thing was slowly moving as if breathing. She reached out to one of the fur balls and grabbed it, it curled up in a ball instinctually and she giggled loudly causing the big thing to wake up, her mother had read her story's with wolves in them so she recognised it at once, but not the danger it possessed, she then realised what the little things were, they were baby wolves so the big one must be their mother. The mother let out a soft growl, but it was not a one of anger it was one of love, love for her pups especially the one her mate brought home to the den last night.

Thirteen years later......

I lay on my bed of grass fingering my locket, I was wearing my locket when Ciro (say sigh-row) found me, it's silver with the words 'With love to our dear Isabel'

Inscribed in fancy lettering on the front and when you open it there is a picture of her and who she guessed were her mother and father, she looked just like her mother, same black hair, same blue eyes, same everything. She had already known how to read a little when Ciro had found her and taken her to his mate Tiya (say tea-yah) to take care of so she could make out the words on the necklace. She was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Tiya enter the den with some fresh meat, she had tried to feed it to Isabel once but it made her vomit so she decided to feed her berries instead and she loved them

. The pups came running up to Tiya to be fed, these pups were about half a year old, the other pups had their own den with their own mate and their own pups Tiya gave Isabel a soft growl of thanks for babysitting, she gave a soft growl back asking permission to leave and, Tiya nodded her head in acknowledgement allowing her to leave she knew how quesy she felt at the smell of blood. Isabel left the den and headed to the river she decided she needed a wash so she headed for the river as she was about to jump in she saw something that made her gasp.

It was like her but different. It had hair, but it was blond and curly, it had two legs and two arms but they were paler, but the thing that stuck out most was its eyes, they were a warm brown that seemed to melt her. Suddenly the thing not unlike herself turned to look at her as if it sensed she were watching him. She could tell by information she didn't know she had that he was a male, a male of her kind, she had a feeling they were called humans. "Hello" he said gingerly. What was that funny sound coming out of his mouth, she mimed him "hello" her voice was soft compared to his so she tried again "hello" she said in a deeper voice this time. He started laughing at her, she was surprised she'd never heard anyone laugh but her, the closest the pack came was a throaty rumble that would sound like a menacing growl to anybody else. She tilted her head to the side like she'd been taught to when she was confused, this only made him laugh harder, she growled at him in a questioning way and he stopped startled and started looking around as if to find the source. "Did you hear that?" he whispered, there he goes with those funny noises of his again, she was getting quite annoyed at him so she did what you did to pups who were irritating you for no good reason, she gave a warning growl, it was lower pitched and gave more of a rumble, this time he looked right at her. "Who are you?" he said then he realised she was naked so he turned around, she didn't see what was wrong with being naked she always was. She jumped in the water behind him to cover herself up as he looked uncomfortable. "Do you speak english?" he asked she gave him another confused look and he just said "obviously not". He pointed to himself and said "Nathan" then he pointed at her as if expecting something. She just stood there confused, he pointed at himself again and said "Nathan" then pointed at her, this time she got it and said "Isabel" he smiled at her and her heart felt like it was doing somersaults. What is this feeling she wondered rubbing her chest "Are you okay?" he asked she looked confused "oh right, beautiful woman here who doesn't know how to speak, how dumb am I".

He spent the next hour teaching her to talk and by the end of it she new the basics of speaking. "So Isabel how come you're here?" He asked "Ciro find me, take me to den, to Tiya, Tiya care for me, Tiya second mother, Ciro second father, live with wolves since I was pup" she said in her soft voice trying to explain. He looked shocked "Why you here?" Queried Isabel "I ran away from home when i was seventeen I'm. now eighteen, I had an abusive father I've lived in the woods for a while, I find it peaceful" he explained "I should head home"she stated as it started getting darker. "Mind if I come" he asked "I don't really have a home I just have a tent I stole from my father but that's ripped now" the whole time he was talking Isabel had been watching his lips, entranced she could only manage a feeble nod, but luckily he didn't notice she was staring at his lips. She got out of the water and so did he, he started putting a weird loose layer of skin on him. "What that?" "Clothes, have you never seen clothes" he said confused. "No" she said.

The whole way back she could feel his eyes boring into her back, but every time she looked back he was looking elsewhere. Finally they got to the den. "Stay" she told him "yes ma'am" he said, she gave him a confused look before going inside. She gave a soft growl asking Tiya if she could come outside. Tiya got up and followed her outside leaving Ciro to keep the pups entertained. When they got outside Tiya gave Isabel a look of approval as if to say "you've finally found your mate" but she was also joking. Isabel giggled and then growled telling her she was not his mate but a friend. Isabel whimpered a pleading, her eyes so big no one could resist, not even a wolf, after all she had been taught by professionals at it, the pups. Tiya gave in and nodded her head. Isabel wrapped her hands around her neck and gave her a hug, she really did love her Tiya like a mother and Tiya loved her as much as her own pups. Isabel grabbed Nathan's hand and went in side to introduce him to Ciro, Ciro had the same thoughts as Tiya about her finding her mate. Isabel simply growled. Ciro let out a throaty chuckle and Nathan backed away scared. Isabel grabbed Nathan's hand and pulled him to her room. When they got there they sat down entranced by each others eyes, they slowly leaned in until there lips were touching and the only way to describe it was 'wow'.suddenly there was a whimpering and they pulled back to see Durc, one of the pups looking away whimpering as if to say "My eyes are burning!" Isabel picked him up and held him to her chest humming to herself while she slowly stroked Durc. And they fell asleep like that Isabel laying on Nathan's arm with Durc on her chest.

As the weeks passed, Isabel and Nathan's relationship grew. Isabel and Nathan were at the river splashing each other with water and Nathan knew that for the first time, he was in love. Isabel had had a warm feeling in her chest since the day they met. After three days her curiosity had overcome her so she asked Tiya what this feeling was, she said it was love and so from that day on Isabel knew she loved Nathan. Both lost in their train if thought about love, they had stopped splashing each other and were staring into one another's eyes until slowly they leaned in and kissed, a kiss full of compassion and love, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bank that night, they slept together.

"Wake up Isabel" Nathan said as he gently shook her. Isabel's eyes opened as she sat up she thought Nathan knows about mates right? RIGHT? "Nathan do you know what mates are?" she asked "yes"he replied "do you know how mates become mates ?" "No" he said looking bewildered as to where this was going. "You mate" she said simply. "Good morning mate" he said a bright smile on his face, she smiled back in return, she couldn't help it, his smile was infectious.

9 months later........

"She's beautiful" Isabel had just given birth to a daughter with soft golden ringlets on her head and bright blue eyes. "What are you going to call her?" Ciro asked" Nathan, Ciro, Tiya and all three pup litters were there "Tiya" I whispered, my voice was weak from hours of labour I smiled at my wolf mother and she growled back in gratitude. "Welcome to the family little Tiya" I whispered.

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