Chapter one

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Everything is black. Ringing echoes loudly in my ears, muffling all sound around me. I force my self to open my eyes and everything is blurry. What's going on? I smell smoke. I roll over to my stomach and try to push my self up, my arms giving out as my chest plummets back to the ground. I can make out what sounds like words from around me. As I look up I see someone standing in front of me. I can't make out who it is. I close my eyes and re open them, hoping that would clear them up. To my surprise it works. I see black boots in front of my eyes. As I look up I feel a heavy kick to my abdomen, forcing me to roll onto my back. I see who it is now, Zero is towering over me. I see my sword lying an arms length away from me and reach for it, but Zero steps his foot onto it, forcing it down.
"Ah, Jade. It's been quite a while hasn't it?" He sneers at me.
He kneels down over me, pinning me down.
I grab his ankle to try to pry his foot off my arm, I immediately regret this. He pushes even harder into my arm, it feels like it could snap any minute.
" are you..."
"We both knew it was only a matter of time before I decided to take you all out. What better time could I have chosen too, t hay was such a great speech." He chuckles at me.
"This little game of 'war' you're playing is over."
"You think this is a game!" I scream at him. My throat hurts from being dry, probably from the smoke.
"I do Jade. It's game over." He smiles grimly.
"How many do you think have died already? Hm?" He mocks me.
"To many!" I reply.
"Why don't we settle this then?"
"Go ahead. You have me pinned. What are you waiting for?" I snarl at him.
"What? Oh no Jade. You see, killing you now would be pointless. Everyone here would just use that as fuel to keep fighting, although, killing you in front of them all, seeing their hero crushed will make them lose all will to fight."
"Don't count on it! You have no idea about us!"
"Then let me ask you something."
"Go on?" I say oddly.
"What are you fighting for?"
"Is this a joke?"
"I'd never."
"We fight for freedom, we fight for our peace!"
"Peace eh? Is that so? Perhaps we can find a way to have this peace. No one else has to die."
"I'm listening?"I respond.
"Hand me over the two Chaos emeralds you have..."
"What do you need with them?!"
I believe they are the key to controlling Chaos himself."
"C-Control Chaos!? No way! He can't be controlled!"
"Perhaps not by you, but I can. You see, I've drawn more and more power from him every second I've had this power. My power is far beyond anything you can muster against it."
"'re letting him lend you power! You fool! He is going to take control-"
He presses down harder onto my arm.
"Don't you dare misinterpret my resolve...Jade."
I hear coughing from behind him. I look to see Cal enter the clearing. She stops as she sees us and her face turns pale.
"Ah. What's this? Someone has found us. Soft foot steps, calm heart beat. It's a female. Ellex perhaps?" He grins while raising his eyebrow.
"No. Not Ellex. You'd be more panic stricken, but you do know her don't you?"
I hear her draw her dagger, as does Zero.
"Before you go and bite off more than you can chew, allow me to explain to you who you are dealing with. In my current state, I can read and attack at speeds 3 times the speed of sound."
He powers up, his orange glow illuminating the are even greater than the flames.
"In this state, my speed is faster than the speed of light. I'll let you figure out what it does to my strength." He snickers at her.
"Leave her alone! She's just a kid!"
"She stopped being a kid when she drew that blade."
He turns to look at her now.
"If you run, I'll let you live, what do ya say?"
"I'll never leave Jade! You might as well kill me before that!"
"I'd rather not do that. Come now, Ember came around-"
"Don't say her name! You have no right!" I yell at him, fury rising in my voice.
"Calm yourself Jade. This might get ugly for her if you don't."
I can't let this happen I have to help her!

Mobius Reborn Book Four: Hero's fallWhere stories live. Discover now