Chapter 32: Maya Hansen

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Chapter 32: Maya Hansen

Tony's POV

I heard the doorbell rang.

"Are we still at ding-dong?" I snapped.

I got up.

"We're supposed to be on total... Security lockdown. Come on, I threatened a terrorist. Who is that?" I asked as I got into my Iron Man suit.

"There's only so much I can do, sir, when you gave the world's press your home address." Said Jarvis.

I walked into the living room. A woman who looks familiar walked in.

"Right there is fine. You're not the Mandarin. Are you? Are you?" I ask her as my mask unclasp.

"You don't remember. Why am I not surprised?" She asked with a heavy sigh.

I smirked. Now I remember her. Maya from Switzerland.

"Don't take it personally. I don't remember what I had for breakfast." I said.

"Gluten-free waffles, sir." Jarvis reminded me.

"That's right." I said as I got out of my suit.

"Okay, look, I need to be alone with you, some place not here. It's urgent." She tells me.

"Normally, I'd go for that sort of thing but now I'm in a committed relationship. It's-" I got cut off by suitcases hitting the floor.

"With her." I continued to say.

Riley climbed down the stairs smiling.

"Tony is somebody there?" She asked.

"Yeah it's Maya Hansen. Old botanist pal that I used to know, barely." I told her.

I pulled Maya to the side.

"Please don't tell me there's a 12 year old kid waiting in the car that I've never met." I said nervously.

"He's 13." She said. I gasped.

"No I need your help." She said.

I sighed in relief.

"But, what for? Why now?" I asked.

"Because I read the papers, and, frankly,I don't think you'll last the week." She said.

"I'll be fine." I retort.

"I'm sorry. With Happy in the hospital and Jake being away, I didn't know we were expecting guests." Said Riley standing by my side, wearing her famous fake but believable smile.

"We weren't." I confirmed to her.

"And another old girlfriend." She said giving me a half glare. 

"She's not really." 

"No, not really." 

"It was just one night."


"That's how you did it, isn't it?" 

"It was a great night." I mumbled.

"Well... you know you have saved yourself a world of pain." Riley said shocking me.

Is that suppose to be a joke or what.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Trust me." Riley said to Maya.

"I'm sure." Said Maya agreeing.

Okay I am deeply offended.

"We're going out of town." Said Riley.

"Okay, we've been through this. Nope." I argued.

"Yep!" She said.

"The man says no-" she cuts me off.

"Immediately and indefinitely." Riley said stubbornly.

"Great idea. Let's go." Said Maya, ready to pick up Riley's suitcases.

"I'm sorry. That's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags." I snapped.

"Tony, this is how normal people behave." Riley said.

"I can't protect you out there." I told her softly.

She shuts her mouth and her beautiful green eyes soften up.

"Is this normal?" Asked Maya pointing at the giant bunny I got Riley.

"Sadly, that-" I cut of Riley.

"Yes, this is normal! It's a big bunny, relax about it!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down!" Said Riley.

"I got this for you." I said.

"I'm aware of that." She mumbled.

"You still haven't even told me that you liked it!" I said.

"I don't like it!" She snapped.

"I asked you three- You don't like it?!" I asked.

"We are leaving the house; that's not even up for discussion." Said Riley calming down.

"I said no." I said.

"Guys... do we umm..." Maya said interrupting mine and Riley's argument.

We looked over to her.

"What?" I asked.

"Do we need to worry about that?" She asked pointing at the T.V.

I see a gigantic missile heading straight to our mansion.

*sorry for such a short chapter. I've been exhausted for the past few weeks because of volleyball. But I double updated!! Just because I am in the best mood ever. We were undefeated yesterday at our tournament and I feel damn great. So I hope you guy enjoyed :)"

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