A Father's love,a Frightful Vision

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Enjoying her moment of triumph, Neo Sailor Constellation embraced her mother. Feeling nothing but utter love and joy for the woman who gave birth to her. All the emotions seemed to be overflowing revealing it's warmth and radiance in a faint yet gentle aura that Neo Sailor Constellation gave off. Celestial Sailor Constellation smiled towards her daughter before ushering her back to the Dream Palace where she hoped to show the fellow priests and her family that the future was in safe hands. For she truly believed her daughter,Astra,Neo Sailor Constellation could protect Earth.

With all the love in her heart that she could muster Neo Sailor Constellation followed her mother down the long Crystal encrusted halls of the palace. The heels of her gladiator shoes clicking,echoing in the translucent hallway. She watched her mother who held a happy expression on her face before her brilliant cerulean hued eyes landed on her lifetime lover Helios.

Helios. Ex Guardian of the Golden Crystal,and now renowned Holy Priest and King to Queen Rhea. His lovely flawless alabaster skin,expressive amber eyes that seemed to unveil her. As soon as Helios noticed his lovely wife and daughter who had now taken the form of a sailor guardian he couldn't help but to smile towards them.

He politely excused himself from the other priests as the others bowed before him showing their respect to the High Priest. "Father!"Neo Sailor Constellation cried out happily as she left her mother's side. With a smile on her face she ran towards her father with open arms as her father wrapped his arms around his little angel. Effortlessly twirling her around in his arms.

"I did it,Daddy I did it!"Neo Sailor Constellation called out happily as her father nodded towards her. "You did,my sweetheart. You did."He encouraged as for a brief moment the head hand on Priest had another vision. It was quite strange since the very fact was that he himself had not had a vision of the future in a long time. Not since he had the vision of his lovely Rhea,fending off the evil forces as the "Blue Sovereign". But now before his very eyes he witnessed a miracle.

What the Head Priest Helios saw before him was his beautiful daughter dressed in a lovely dark blue and gold gown. It was similar to the Queen's minus a few of the frills. She released a happy giggle towards him before a beautiful jewel encrusted tiara formed on her head. He then watched as the distance began to increase between the two. So much in fact that Helios found himself running towards her. And that's when he saw it,his beautiful daughter in the arms of a man. Or what he once thought was a man.

The man held deadly bloody crimson eyes revealing the fact that he himself was not human,but a demon. The demon embraced Astra in an almost loving way. He watched as his daughter nuzzled her face into his chest,a peaceful expression present on her face. But soon the peaceful expression was drastically changed into one twisted in pain. She released a ragged breath before slowly pulling away from the demon to find a dagger now protruding through her chest.

Astra smiled sadly towards the demon before falling backwards into his arms,now unable to stand due to the lose of blood. "Astra!"Helios cried as he ran as fast as his body would allow. Tears rolled down his cheeks as Helios watched the light of life in his daughter's eyes flicker and die out. He released a cry filled with rage as the demon cradled to frail form of Astra. Helios soon realized the man was crying tears of blood over her body. Demons were monstrosities. They held no aid to society,they are predators. They hunt. They kill. That's it. Demons are not suppose to have souls yet this one....appeared to be portraying itself as if it held one. Did it....?

Helios blinked away his own tears as the image faded away into the background like a single ripple in a deep pool. Doomed to ripple and spread until you come undone. Helios gasped the sudden reality of the vision hitting him like a ton of bricks. He had witnessed his own daughter's demise.

Noticing her husband's sudden distress Queen Rhea was at his side. Ushering him to speak to her. Neo Sailor Constellation watched her parents with a concerned expression on her face with so much light,so much life...so much love. It was hard for Helios to believe that light could be snuffed out so easily. "Darling?"Queen Rhea asked as Helios's amber eyes darted from his daughter back to his wife. He slowly struggled to regain his composure,standing abit taller. He appeared to be alright but Queen Rhea knew better. And most of all she knew her husband.

"I'm sorry dear,your father is unwell. He needs his rest."Queen Rhea lied to her daughter,a pained and calm expression on her face. Queen Rhea bit her bottom lip as she led her husband away from their daughter. Leaving a very confused Neo Sailor Constellation behind. What had her father seen that would make her mother lie to her? She was determined to find out one way or the other.

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