Strange Love

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Thankfully, the night went on without any other causality. Well, if you don't count Matty and Jordon almost breaking one of your lamps during a play fight a causality. Or, George tripping over a throw pillow Dylan had tossed onto the floor. Either way, the rest of the night was enjoyable and the guys left around ten, finally giving you some alone time and a well deserved warm shower. When you got out, you debated finishing your conversation with Aron, but your droopy eyelids told you it would be the best just to go to sleep. So, you did.

The next morning, you were kind of surprised to see a message from Terry, telling you that you should pop into his office today once you got to work. He didn't state why, so you were fairly confused on what your director could want now. This question repeated throughout your mind during your daily routine all the way up until you walked into the kitchen, where Angie was humming Save Me softly to herself while putting away dishes.

"Good morning." She said in her usual soft voice before going back to humming.

"Morning, Angie." You went over to the fridge and pulled out your favorite type of juice, pouring a small glass of it to get some energy for the start of your day. You brought the cold glass up to your lips before taking a small gulp. Once you swallowed the liquid, you leaned on the counter, taking to Angie while finishing your drink. "They were over yesterday, by the way."

"Ah, really? It's a shame I wasn't here, then! I would have loved to talk about Day of the Dead!"

"Maybe next time, Angie." You chuckled, seeing her eyes light up with excitement towards the future." The small female peered down at her watch, becoming flabbergasted at what she saw.

"Miss y/n, you do realize it's almost nine, correct?" You glared at her for adding a miss to your name. After countless times of telling her that she didn't have to, she did it anyway sometimes.

"Yeah." You shrugged, thinking nothing of her warning. It took a minute for it to actually sink in. "Oh, shit!" You cursed, dropping your cup into the sick and saying a very messy goodbye to your maid friend before grabbing your things and heading off to work.

You walked through the entrance, slightly panting from the full on sprint you had just endured from your car to the building. You walked down the first hallway before branching off into the second and knocking on Terry's door.

"Come in!" Hearing his voice ring from the other side, you pushed open the door and immediately arched an eyebrow at the sight in front of you, slowing closing the door behind you.

"Hello..." The confusion was evident in your voice. The first person you had noticed when you walked into the room was Jax. He was seated in one of the two guest seats pointed towards Terry's desk, feet propped up onto the corner of it.

The next person you noticed was Terry, who was sitting at his desk with a slightly annoyed face, glaring at Jax's feet and hoping the blonde boy would notice without him having to scold him. There was two people standing next to Terry. One was Tilly, her thick black rimmed glasses that seemed to look very catish going along with her suit top and pencil skirt. Her bright red lipstick donned lips were pulled into a wide smile at the sight of you. On the left of Terry was someone you had only met a couple of times before, Jax's anget, Mack. Mack was a very classy bald man who could have been an ex-marine in a past life. He sure was built like one, also. It was a surprise to see him here, of all places. From what you had gathered the few times you had spoken with him was one thing. That he did not like you. At all. Which was pretty damn surprising to you if he could have put up with Jax's shannigans.

"Please sit down, y/n." Terry offered. You did as you were told and sat down in the black leather chair.

"May I ask what's going on here?"

"I've been asking them that for a half hour." Jax sounded very bored.

"Well, we think we've come up with the perfect solution to the issue y/n's been having with the rumors with...whatever his name is." Tilly gestured to Terry to start mentioning the plan.

"Well, you both know that your characters are implied love interests. And, if the scripts goes the way Andy told me they will, you'll be together by the middle of the season. Which, we only have about four episodes to film before it should be that point."

"Yeah? What does this have to do with Aron?" You asked, completely and utterly confused at Terry's words.

"This isn't easy to ask...but for rating purposes, we've all agreed it would be the best idea to have the romance between Alyn and (your character) be as...real as it could be."

"We want you two to pretend date." Mack announced blunty. A moment of shock consumed both you and Jax, enabling you from speaking.

"Showmances are all the rage these days. Even if they're not real. Plus, they're can't be rumors that the boy-Aron's his name, right? Could be dating y/n if she's already taken right?" Tilly's non-rhetorical question was taken in that way as you just sat there, blinking.

"You guys only have to do this until this season is over, and then you can break it off how ever you wish. I'm not asking you two to make out or anything. Just do cute things when the media is watch. Hold hands. Kiss each others cheeks. Call eachother pet names in interviews. Go on fake dates."

"And do what?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"Hell, you could talk about the lack of polar bears in your lives, I don't care. Just make it look real. You two are good actors, you can figure something out. Are you in?"


"Sure." Your mouth fell agape as you looked over at Jax. Did he really just agree to this? "It's going to help the ratings and get paps noses out of where they shouldn't be. You can't really hang out with Aron if they make it a news line every time, right? I'm helping you here, doll." As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. "If you think I'm trying to steal you away from him, think again. I mean I love you and all, but you're not the best line in the story. Y'know?"

"Did you just insult me?" You questioned, only for him to shrug. "And you can't steal me away from someone that I'm not even theirs in the first place, idiot!"

"So, you shouldn't have any objections!" He smirked at your flustered face. The sad part was, he was correct. You shouldn't have an issue with it, but you did. You kind of wondered what both Aron and Hollywood Undead would think if they fond out, though. The band seemed pretty chill when they thought you had went on a date, though. And Aron could probably estimate that Jax wasn't your type, so he could understand. Plus, it would help with ratings. Wait, why did you care about that the guys thought again?

A large sigh escaped your lips before you leaned back in your chair. "Fine," you mumbled. "but, only until the season is done!"

"Good, good!" Tilly's clapped her hands together in approval. "You can announce your relationship-"

"Fake relationship." You added in.

"Right, fake relationship to the world wen you to on Television Tidbit Talk Show. I'll call the show and tell them Jax will be joining you on it, I'm sure they won't mind. Two stars are always brighter than one, I always say!"

"When have you ever said that in your life- know what? Never mind." You puffed.

"You two to get ready for practice today, I have to talk to your agents." You quickly stood up and exited the room, almost shutting the door on Jax's face while on the way out, but he managed to slip through just in time.

"Hey, wait up!" He called out and jogged up next to you, falling into the same pace after a few seconds. "This should be interesting. Do you think we'll get voted to be America's Next Top Couple?" If glares could kill, he would have dropped to the floor by now. "Aw, don't be like that, babe." With all his limbs missing.

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