Center Stage

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It wasn't long until you were escorted into the back entrance by a member of security. As you walked through the building, the noises of the band playing grew louder. By the time you had reached the official backstage portion, you identified the song they were playing as Gravity.

Spotting a section were there seemed to be a lack of stagehands, you quickly claimed your spot and tapped your foot to the beat. You began to think what life was like before the boys got famous. With the help of the lyrics and past stories you heard of, you assumed their personalities haven't changed much. You could already imagine the group of rowdy boys hanging out together far before you came along. Unlike you, it seemed like they had an actual rise to fame. It must feel nice to have something to look back on.

After having a small 'what could have been moment', you chose to move to the backstage right wing, giving you a visual to what the six were doing. A bright smile came across your face as you saw them jump around, going into the song War Child. Towards the end of the song, it seemed like you had caught the attention of a certain hypeman. It was hard to contain your laughter towards Dylan's over dramatic jumping and other actions that were obviously directed towards you. By the last verse, he had you in stitches, causing you to hold up your hands to mimic surrender. 'You win' you mouthed to him as the song came to close. As the crowd began to clap and cheer, you saw Dylan quickly say something to Danny and hand him the silver microphone before he headed towards your direction.

"Funny, where you going, dude?" Jordon asked into his mic, his raised eyebrow slightly peeking out from the frames of his glasses. This caught the attention of the members, making them question similar things.

"Don't worry about it." Dylan was barely heard over the crowd. His band mates shared some looks before Jorel began to play a bass rift, buying Dylan some time. Dylan sent Jorel a thumbs up before disappearing behind the curtain and standing in front of you.

"How about you come on to the stage and say hi?" Your mouth opened to protest, but Dylan must have seen the refusal in your eyes. Before you knew it, Dylan had picked you up and placed you over his shoulder.

"Dylan, please put me down." Of course you planned to be seen here by the public eye, but not like this.

"What's in it for me?"

"The satisfaction of not being a dick right now?"

"Nope." With that, Dylan exposed you to the audience. The five men on stage now knew what their band mate had planned as he placed you down on the ground once more. All it took was moment for some of the crowd to recognize you, most of them letting out a scream. It took a second for the crowd to die down and when it did, Matty was the first to speak into his mic.

"When I said you should come to our show this isn't exactly what I had in mind." George noticed you open your mouth to reply and put his mic to your face.

"I mean, me either."

"Want to introduce yourself?" Danny asked into his microphone after handing Dylan the one he was entrusted with.

"Sure. Hey everyone I'm Y/n L/n but some of you know me as (character name) on Put on a Show. It's been really fun working with Hollywood Undead for their upcoming collaboration for the show and I'm really excited to see what they come up with for the soundtrack." The second  instinct of dealing with the media and press kicked in as you allowed a smile to come across your face. The crowd erupted into cheer once again.

"Guys, I have an idea." Jordon proposed.

"This can't go well." Jorel's commentary earned some chuckles from the crowd and probably a glare from Jordon.

"How about y/n joins us for the signing tonight?" Some of the members looked at you expectantly, causing you to shrug.

"It's you're signing don't look at me. Figure it out like grown men."

"I guess she's joining our signing, then." George announced what was the anonymous decision. Again, screaming erupted from the crowd.

"Great, now that is settled, I'm gonna actually let you guys play music now." You turned to the audience and smiled. "Who's ready for more Hollywood Undead?" A smile made its way onto your face as you gave a small wave and exited the stage, finding your past spot in the wings. It took a minute for the boys to readjust themselves, but they managed to settle down the crowd and begin their next song.


After quite the concert, the boys retired backstage to find you leaning against the white brick wall and on your phone. Whilst listening to their live performance, you had found yourself scrolling around on social media, watching as dozens of pictures popped up of you sharing their stage. As much as you loved supporting you friends, receiving more buzz that could potentially cover up the Aron scandal in preparation for the talk show with Jax was a priority. Hopefully, people would be so consumed with your relationship with Jax and the concert appearance, they don't question the simple 'just friends' answer you we're going to give regarding your feelings towards Aron.

"So, y/n, the feeling of being on stage do anything for you?" Jordon questioned as he watched you tuck away your phone.

"It's not like that was my first time on a stage before. I've been on a few panels and stage interviews."

"Yet, did I sense a little social awkwardness from our pro when I first brought you out there?" Dylan teased, lightly flicking your ear playfully. Your eyebrows furrowed as you inched away from him.

"Do I sense you being more annoying then usual?" You shot back. "Plus, yeah, you did. You can't just do that kind of stuff unexpectedly to me. Normally when I'm doing things like that I know the basis of what will happen or I have a script I have to stick too."

"I'm pretty sure he's just always this annoying." Matty commented, your (eye color) eyes flickered over to him for a second, your mind replaying the dream you had a few hours prior in the limo. You fought back the heat attempting to rise to your cheeks and decided to focus your attention to the others.

"So, about this signing..."

Put On a Show {Hollywood Undead x reader x Deuce} OLDWhere stories live. Discover now