When i met him...

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"Helloooo? Are you listening to me?" Lucy said feeling annoyed. I was in my own world, thoughts racing in my head and keep hitting the sides like they were racing eachother. Then I snapped quickly out of it when I heard Lucy's voice getting louder. "urmmm, what was you saying?" I said smiling at Lucy but her smile had disappeared from her face."I said do you want to go to a party this weekend with me and some others?". But I all I could think now was should I? Should I go to the party? "so is that a yes then?" Lucy asked. I nodded slightly but I kept my head down because I didn't want her to see me look scared.

For the next few days I panicked about the party- all Lucy could talk about at school was the party. I didnt know whos party it was exactly but the only reason I could go was because Lucy was invited. If she didn't go I wasn't going to go, no way. I thought about the clothes I should wear and what I should take but all I could think about was the last party I went to.

Thirteen years earlier...

"Don't eat the food yet Spencer!" I heard my mum yell when I was stuffing my face with cake and chocolate. "not until the guests have came". I gave her the death stare until she allowed me to continue to eat all the sugary goods. That's when I first met Toby; he came in with his uncle. He laughed at me when he saw me cramming every piece of food I had into my mouth. "well, it looks like someone's hungry" he chuckled, I just turned the colour of a beetroot. "Hi, I'm Toby, I've came to live here with my uncle,what's your name?" he said with the biggest smile across his face. I smiled at him and wiped my hands on my white dress. " I'm Spencer", I said looking so embarrassed. From then we were best friends. Well until the incident happened.

Present day...

The party was one day away, I felt really nervous but so excited. Me and Lucy went to the mall to get some new clothes. She chose everything for me because I have no dress sense. I would were a llama onesie to the party if I could.

The day finally arrived; I felt butterflies in my stomach. U was that nervous that I ignored anyone who spoke to me especially my mum. We havent had a serious conversation since Toby died. I didn't feel close to her, Ive told her that she has a drinking problem so many times that I've gave up trying. I have seen my mum sober in years, it's been hard to see her waste her life drinking all the time and I do blame myself. At night I hear my mum cone into my room to see if I'm asleep before she starts drinking to the earlier hours in the morning. I always tell her that one day she will die from drinking but she doesn't care what I think along as she has a bottle of wine in one hand and a glass in the other she's fine. I think that hardest thing I've dealt with was when I found her lying on the floor past out when I came from school and all she could say was "can you past me the bottle?". That was painful. I always make sure that she knows where I am eventhough she doesn't care I still want her to know that I'm safe. She wouldn't take any notice anyway I went out, she still hasn't noticed that I'm 19 and I'm still in high school. I had to repeat a year because I skipped most of it because my mum was in hospital most of the time but I couldn't tell anyone or my mum would never forgive me. Believe me I've thought about it.

Lucy came over about nine to help me with my hair and stuff. I didn't see that point of it. Who was I going to impress? No one talked to me at school except Lucy. Even the teachers avoided speaking to me. "Perfect" Lucy squeaked, clapping her hands like a seal. "Can I look now" I said impatiently. "What do you think?" she replied with a smiley across her face. I had to look twice, I didn't recognise myself for a moment. I always hated my auburn hair and how curly it was because I looked like a poodle but somehow Lucy created something new. At school I always wore a beanie to cover the frizz because I was afraid that I would be bullied even more because of the colour of my hair. The dress I bought (eventhough secretly I wanted a llama onesie) was black, Lucy hated wearing the colour black but I told her that that was the only dress I was going to wear. Most of the clothes in my wardrobe is black, I'm not emo or goth or anything but I felt more comfortable in that colour. I sat for another half hour until Lucy finished my makeup. I hate wearing make up; Im not saying I hate makeup because most of the girls who go to my school look amazing with make up on but the other half of the girls at school don't know when to stop. I only told Lucy that I would wear makeup if she let me wear my vans trainers instead of heels and after debating she finally gave in. "Soooo what's the verdict?" Lucy asked looked proud of herself. I stared into the mirror in amazement. "Thankyou" I whispered in her ear, hugging her tight. "Thankyou".

Of course Lucy looked amazing as usually. Her red dress fitted like a glove; her hair looked effortless and her makeup looked like she was ready for the cat walk. We had ten minutes to spare before we had to go, I sat on my bed and watched videos on YouTube whilst Lucy kept retouching her makeup. I heard the taxi beep so I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

"Bye!" I said to my mum before I went but she didn't reply. I told my mum that I would be out quite late so if she needed me, ring me and I would come home. I don't think she cared that I was going out, she hasn't care in the past. We got into the taxi and Lucy gave the driver the address. I had no clue where was going but Lucy promised me that we would stay together at the party.

I felt the taxi slow down as we reached the house. I wiped the condensation of the window and looked out: I could see people walking into the door and the sound of the music was vibrating on the floor. "Relax" Lucy said in a reassuring tone. I slowly opened the car door and paid the taxi driver. As I went into the house my worries dissappeared, everyone was smiling and dancing. To be honest I don't think anyone recognised me, (I wasn't complaining). Lucy started dancing as we headed to the back room. I just looked embarrassed. People past us drinks and Lucy just downed them like they were shots I on the other hand drank it slow. Lucy started drinking more and more so I just stood there like I didn't belong. I was itching to get out of there. I slowly backed away I went out the back door to see no one there which was a relief except for one person. He didn't look drunk, he looked like never came to these kinda things either. He noticed me looking at him and I quickly turned my head so I was looking on the floor. I felt my cheeks burn bright red.

"Hi, I'm Noah by the way" he said but I was in such a state I didn't reply until a minute later. "Urm, hi" I said looking so afraid. "So I guess you never come to these things aswell I take it" he replied. I just smiled: I sat down beside him and said "nope, I hate coming to parties, the only reason I'm here is because my best friend was invited". "I know how you feel I hate coming to parties I only come if my friends do" he said but he seemed more relaxed than before and so did I. We just stared at eachother until I said "how come you was outside by yourself?"I asked but I felt like I was being nosey and I hated myself for asking." I felt uncomfortable you know, I felt like the walls were closing in". I just stared at him and nodded. "So what's your name?" he asked sweetly. "Urmmm" I didn't know if I should tell him my name, I felt insecure, I wanted as few as possible to know my new name. " it's okay if you don't want to tell me, weve only just met" Noah said but I didn't want him to think I was weird. "Or maybe your undercover with the FBI and you can't tell me" he added sarcastically. I just started to laugh which made him smile, "If I told you, I'd have to kill you" I replied and we both started laughing. "so how old are you?" he said, " I'm 19 but I'm still in school" I blurted out without giving it a second thought. What if he thinks I'm stupid and that's why I'm still in school? I just looked at him but he didn't seemed fazed by it. " I'm 21 and I've just started a job in accounting.  All I could think was he must be smart if he's in accounting. Hes going to think that I'm so stupid. "Why did you have to repeat a year?". "I...I...well you see, urmm...my mum was in hospital alot so I had to look after her". We kept talking and asking eachother question for most of the night but it didn't feel strange we just listened and understood eachother.

At that precise moment, I hear Lucy shouting and swearing at people. I rushed in and dragged her away from the situation. " Need some help?" I hear Noah say from behind me. I just nodded and he helped me get get out the door. " Want a lift home?" he said looking at me sweetly. "If you don't mind" I said calmly but inside I was smiling because it meant that we could talk some more. I told him my address and he started to drive. Lucy passed out in the car so I sat in the front with Noah and we kept on talking. I looked at the time and it was half two, I had to look again to make sure that I wasn't getting the numbers mixed up. Noah and I talked for hours at the party without us knowing. I felt really sleepy but I was determined to stay awake in the car. When we got to my house, Noah tried to wake Lucy up but she was unconscious, she wouldn't wake up for anything. Between the two of us we carried Lucy through the door and we put her on the sofa. Noah smiled at me and said "I better go now" I sadly nodded and I gave him my number. "Bye" I said looking upset."Bye" he replied looking more depressed than I did. I waved as he drove away; I wanted him to come back but I knew that I probably wouldn't see him again...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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