Uh Oh...

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I crossed the teritory lines about a month ago and needless to say I was beyond exhausted. I ran out of food about three weeks ago. I've been trying to survive off of random berries and a few squirrels that I have been able to catch but its definitely taking its tole on me. I can only travel and hunt in human form, I figured it wouldn't be a good idea to let Keira out given the fact that she's a wolf with blue fur, and as far as I remember from the outside world thats just not normal. I knew that I was extremely malnourished but theres not much that I could do about it if I didn't get any actual food in my system. So for now I was just rolling with the punches.

I tried my best not to think of Maggie and what could be or already has happened to her. The better pat of me knew that she was probably dead and there's nothing I could do about it, but the other half want to believe that she was okay. I was walking in the same forest for almost a month and I was surprised that I hadn't walked into some other packs territory yet. My guess was that this was just unclaimed territory that no one really cared to own. In a way I was glad because that meant that I could live in at least some sort of peace out here by myself, but that also made me wonder how long I could last out here how much longer until I die of starvation, or run into a rouge or worse cross over into the territory of another pack. People are not very fond of rouges. Most rouges when they are initially found are killed without question.

I cringed at the though of be killed out here in the wood. I mean its not like I would have anyone to miss me given the fact that everyone I ever loved was murdered in front of me. Thats not what really bothered me. What bothered me was the fact that I could die here at any moment and my Mate, my True Love, would be none the wiser. The thought of dying and never meeting my Mate and him not missing me because he didn't even know that I existed was what killed me the most. I could tell that Keira was thinking about this too as I heard her whimpering in the back of my mind. I felt her pain as well we should have found our mate once we turned 16 but since Alpha Cain took at the age of 15 we never got the chance to start looking.

I entered a small clearing with pond. This was the first body of water I'd seen in two weeks so I was not about to pass this up. I ran to the pond and all but stuck my head into the water. Instant thirst quenching goodness. "Sweet Goddess that's good." I grabbed some empty water bottles out of my satchel and filled them up. I searched around the clearing and found small berry bush "Today must be my lucky day. I grabbed a small handful and was about to plop them in my mouth...

" No don't those are poisonous I can smell it!" Keira Shouted at me. I instantly became furious

"GOD DAMMIT! WHAT THE FUCK WHY CAN NOTHING GO MY FUCKNG WAY" I threw the berries and fell to the ground crying. "This is just too hard. I can't keep going on like this. If I do I'll die." My eyes suddenly felt heavy and next thing I knew I was drifting off to sleep.


"Where do you think she came from?

"No where good I'd assume. I mean.. look at her she looks...awful.

"Well thanks Keira. You sure know how to keep a girl in good spirits" I thought back to Keira

"...Gracie... that wasn't me!" she shouted at me, my eyes burst open and I was on my feet in seconds, bad decision I instantly started to feel light headed and fell back onto the ground, my vision was blurred, and I couldn't move.

"Shit, what do we do?" A male voice asked

"Who know what possible threat she may or may not be to the pack, lets take her to the Alpha" another male voice answered back

"Shit," I thought "Not another Alpha." Thats when the darkness took me over.






BOOM another chapter! I'm trying to crack out a bunch of 'em at a time for you guys to make up for my little hiatus. Please Comment, Vote, and Favorite. Love you guys


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