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Sorry for the delay. Hope you guys like it and please comment.

For you leelee520 and you're welcome. Leanna up top.




"Odell, wake up." I whispered, shaking his shoulders. His loud snoring ass rolled over, taking me with him. He laid on my chest as his big body was ontop of me. I sighed, knowing he wasn't gonna move. His head moved up and down until he got comfortable on my right breast and his mouth leaning close to mine.

His pretty lips were close to my face and I realized what I could do. I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. He leaned up and grabbed my face.

"Odell. Let me go." I said, pushing him off of me, giggling.

He rolled his eyes and threw himself back into the bed.

"Stop being a baby and get up."

"Nova." He whined, sounding like OB. I laughed and got up in the bed and started jumping.

"ODELLLLLLL !" I shouted.

"Huh ?"

OB wobbles in with his sippy cup. He notices Odell and climbs on the bed, sitting on Odell's chest.

"Little boy I wasn't talking to you." I said , making the both of them roll their eyes.

"Nova, who you getting loud with ?"

Elaina walks in with Valerie on her back.

"Girl this aint ya household. " I snapped.

"Hey Auntie." Valerie said, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Auntie baby." She smiled and went back out the room.

"Why are you here ?" Odell said.

Elaina look taken back.

"Well for your information since I'm you and Victor's publicist , I found some information and one is bad and the other is good." She stated.

"Give us the bad news first." Odell spoke, sticking his hands in his pants.

"Eww you and Victor are nasty."

"Hey it's my dick."

"Bet you its small."

"Bet you I long dicked your bestfriend."

Elaina gasped and turned to me.

"You cheating on me ?"

"I'm sorry but you knew what was up." I said , cuddling up on Odell.

"Anyway bad news or good news ?"

"Bad." I said.

"Odell, rumor has it , a woman is claiming that you got her pregnant. She has been telling this story for three days now and she is kinda believable. " Elaina sighed.

"I aint get no bitch pregnant." He shouted.

"calm down , you dont want OB to see you like this." I said, rubbing his arms and eye motioning to OB, who was playing with his toys.

"What do she look like ?" He spoke.

"She is on Tv now." Elaina said , grabbing remote. She turned on the tv and flipped through many channels until The Real came on.

A black girl with long black curly hair came on to the set. She was beyond beautiful and made me feel self-conscious.

"So you are how many months ?"

"3 months."

"Hey atleast she is pretty." I said.

She continued to talk and Elaina spoke over her voice.

"Her name is..."

"Leanna." We both said.




"Just cmon," I begged.

"Hell nah. " Kelly said, walking away.

"Kelly." I whined, grabbing his bicep.

"Nope ."

"Pretty please with a cheery on top /" I said, giving him my puppy eyes.

"Fine." He sighed, coming back to the front door.

"Are you ready ?" I asked.

He gave me a look and smacked his lips.

"Attitude ?"

"No m'am."

The door opened and Nova stood there.

"My baby." She said, giving me a hug.

" Hey ma." I spoke as my mouth was close to her neck.

"You guys can come in and sit on the couch." She said, letting us come inside.

Kelly and I sat on the couch.

"Do you guys want anything ?"

"No we are fine."

"Ok Odellllll come meet Lani's boyfriend."

Many footsteps were heard around the house and in five seconds, Odell was right infront of us with OB in his arms. He put OB to the floor and looked over to Kelly.

"Dat's ya' boyfriend ?" He asked. I nodded.

"What's ya' name nigga ?"

"Kelly sir."

"Ok Katrina." He said, starting to walk back upstairs.

"Cornelius." Momma shouted.

I heard him sigh deeply and slowly back down the steps.

"Why don't you atleast talk to them ?" She said, walking out.

He sat down on the couch and turned on the tv, watching his own game from the other day. It was awkwardly silent until Momma shouted.


We all jumped.

"How was your day , sweetheart ?" He said, obviously mocking momma.

"It was fine." I said, picking up OB, who was somewhat playful with my necklace.

"So what you do little nigga ?" Odell said, looking at kelly.

"What do you mean, sir ?"

"You play sports ?"

"Basketball and occasionally football and soccer."


"So you tryna sleep with her ?"

"Odell !" I whined.

"Aye I gotta no."

I took OB and I started to walk out , knowing it was gonna to be a long night.


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