chapter 4 guilty feeling

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Eileen's POV

I woke up that morning to a knock at my door. I got up and answered it. It was Mordecai Rigby's best friend. He looked scared and a bit.... Concerned... I had to know what was wrong.... Was Rigby OK?
"Hey Mordecai.... Is everything alright?" I asked concerned.
"No.... Rigby's in the hospital.... You have to come with me.... I did something.... Awful...." Said Mordecai starting to cry
"Alright.... I'll be right out..." I said rushing to get ready. I was finished getting ready so I ran out to the cart and sat in the front seat. I was very concerned about Rigby.... What did Mordecai do to him?
"So.... What happened?" I asked with an angry look on my face.
"Well..... We were having an argument and I..... Put him in the most deadly lock that can kill you..... So we called the ambulance and.... I think he might..... Die....." Said Mordecai guilty as can be.
"YOU WHAT!!?!?!" I said angrier than ever.
"Look.... I'll explain later..." Said Mordecai as we arrived at the hospital. We walked into Rigby's room and when I saw Rigby my heart broke into a million pieces.... I couldn't bare to see him laying in a hospital bed.
"Rigby! Oh my gosh.... You look awful.... If.... If you don't get out of this..... *sniff* I wanted to tell you.... That I love you Rigby.... Ever since we met.... I've loved you..... If you die.... I will not live knowing that the love of my life..... Is gone...." I said as tears rolled down my face.  I looked down at Rigby's little face with my hand holding onto his. I couldn't bare to see my boyfriend like this. Mordecai only stared at me with a guilty look on his face.... This was all his fault.
"I'm... So... Sorry Eileen.... I know how much Rigby meant to you...." Mordecai said as he wiped his tears. I didn't say a word. My mind was filling up with memories of Rigby and I.... There was a lump in my throat trying to stop myself from crying.... I couldn't.... I cried Right there on the spot. I cried until I felt a little hand stroke my cheek.
"Eileen? D-did you really mean what you said?" Asked Rigby
"Um.... You heard me?" I asked starting to Blush.
"Yes.... Do.... You really love me?" Asked Rigby smiling.
"Yes.... Yes I do....." I said wiping my tears.
"Don't cry Eileen.... I'll be better soon.... I promise...." Said Rigby smiling. The nurse walked in and told me "mam visiting hours are over."
"Alright..... Thanks...." I said trying to sound cheerful. I didn't want to leave my boyfriend alone.... I never want to.... Mordecai was staring at me with an evil glair.
"What?" I asked turning back at him
"We have to go..." Mordecai said frowning.
"I have to go Rigby..... Feel better... I love you..... Be safe..." I said blowing him a kiss
"Bye! I love you too Eileen! I'll see you soon!" Yelled Rigby as I opened the door. Mordecai and I left the hospital and we drove back to the park.

~the next day~

I went back to the hospital to see if Rigby was ok. I walked in to see him sitting on his bed crying. I walked to his bedside and sat next to him.
"Rigby... Are you crying?" I asked
"*sniff* yea...." Rigby said as tears roll down his face. I sat Down next to him as I put my arm around him.
"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.
"Well... Mordecai and I are having an argument and Mordecai said that I'm not good enough for you.... Is-is that true?" Rigby asked more tears filling his brown eyes.
"No. Rigby you are the love of my life. If you weren't around I wouldn't have a purpose. I love you so much you are the best guy for me." I said holding Rigby's hand.

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