Internet and Reality

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Have you ever wanted to disappear into an anime? Or did you ever wish your life was a manga? Or maybe you even dreamed of being locked up in a VRMMORPG* like Sword Art Online? I know I did. I've wished for it tons of times. I wished that I could jump right into the computer screen, behind which I practically live and meet my favorite anime characters. But sadly, that's not possible. I'm stuck in the real world, trapped by the thing they call "Reality". In this world, the closest thing you get to escaping real life is daydreaming, something I've been doing for years. So this is what you know about me, now: I'm an anime, manga and game Otaku, I don't like reality and spend my days behind my computer, which I'm practically married to and I'm that quiet daydreamer, in the back of the class. This is what you don't know about me yet, but probably already guessed: I love music and always have my earplugs plugged in, I'm not popular and I have close to no social life.

So now you know me. Oh wait! I almost forgot the most important thing! My name! I'm (Y/N) (L/N), a second year at Seido High. My grades are average. I have one friend, but she's more often staring at the baseball boys than talking to me! Not that I mind, though. She's a great friend and at least she keeps me company. Aside from that one friend, I don't really need anyone. My music and internet are more than enough.

I was about to plug in my earplugs again, when he showed up. And with he, I mean Miyuki Kazuya, one of the boys my friend, (F/N), was so crazy about. Wanna know what I think of him? Simple! He's a laid-back idiot with a shit-eating grin. He's cocky and doesn't know when to shut up. He annoying and loves to bring me back to reality, for some reason. I guess you might have realized by now, but I hated him.

Miyuki placed his hands on both sides of my desk. His face was awfully close to mine. Did I mention he's annoyingly hot too? Heck, I was probably blushing! His eyes stared intently into mine. He looked worried, determined and... sad?! "M-Miyuki? What's wr--" "What's wrong?" "Huh, aren't I the one who's supposed to ask you th--" Miyuki interrupted me again. "Don't give me that crap (Y/N)! Just come with me for a sec". With that, he took my arm and dragged me to the rooftop. "Wait! What about class?" "Class can wait!" Why did he sound so aggravated? And why did he ask me what's wrong? I mean, I know I'm kinda down. Remember that friend I talked about? Well, we had a fight the day before. She told me I needed to stop listening to music so much and be more social. (F/N) probably didn't mean anything bad with it. She was probably just concerned, but hearing her say that really got me mad. I mean, she knows how important music is for me. I needed it. It was my one escape from reality when I didn't have internet. She new that, yet she still said that to me. I do feel guilty, though. And I miss her, but could that really have been what miyuki meant? Could he really have noticed me being sad for that?

Miyuki opened the door to the roof. I didn't know what to think. He never drags me away like this. His grip on my wrist was rough and his gaze was tense. He dragged me to the middle of the rooftop. The baseball player's brown eyes bored deep into mine. "I'm gonna ask you one more time. What's wrong? You've been down in the dumps the whole day. I'm worried (Y/N)! Did something happen with (F/N)? I haven't seen you talking with her all day." That was it. All the tears I had been holding fell out. I fell to my knees, following the drops to the ground, my hands covering me face. Miyuki sank down to my level and started rubbing my back. Next thing I knew, I was hugging him. I don't know why, but I didn't want to let go. All the tears I had kept in, all the pain I hid between the notes of the music, all the sadness that locked up my heart. All of it was finally released. All of the feelings that I locked up for the past years. Miyuki saw it happen, something nobody else ever saw, something nobody else ever will see. He saw me cry.

When I finally calmed down, Miyuki lifted my chin and made my (e/c) teary eyes look into his brown orbs. He spoke softly, but I could clearly understand him. "(Y/N), it's okay. You don't have to lock away your feelings anymore. I'll listen to them. When you need someone to talk to, I'll be there. When you need a hug, I'll be there. When you need a shoulder to lean on, I'll be there. I love you (Y/N)." The words had barely left his mouth, before I kissed him. The kiss was deep and full of love, tears still streaming down my face. After a while, I broke the kiss, my lips still close to his. "Thank you, Miyuki. I needed to hear that. I love you too." He kissed my forehead one more time before pulling me on my feet and smiling at me. "Come on. Second period is about to start. Wouldn't want my girlfriend to be even later for class, would I?" Damn, I'm sure I blushed, just now. The smirk on his face proved my theory.

Right before entering class, I smiled at Miyuki one last time, mouthing a last "Thank you". He answered with a smile and entered the class room, me right behind him. Who knows, maybe reality wasn't as bad as I thought.

I had a tough time writing this one. I'm sorry if it's not that good. I still hope you enjoyed it, though! Next one Is gonna be my first request! See you then! :)
*Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Roll Playing Game

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