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It was a warm summer day when the first attack happened. It was at a family reunion, a girl named Melody transformed or her body was taken over by some unexplained virus which is called virus 32. She attacked her grandmother who was 62, but the strange thing was all she did was bite her about 4 times, two on each arm. Soon after Melody attacked her Aunt and Uncle. Her father threw her onto the floor, while her mother phoned the police. Police showed up and took the aunt,uncle, and grandmother to the hospital they were ok (or so they thought) and went home soon after that night the same thing happened to the aunt. She bit her 3 grandchildren who she were babysitting for her sister. The eldest child was attacked last, she managed to call the police, but they were too late she had been bitten. It continued on and on and on until virus 32 became a global problem.

In a science lab

Beginning of Virus 32

"Do we have any theories of how to cure this or what it is exactly?" The first scientist named Tayton asked. Everyone sat in silence, Tayton gave a great sigh"come on people! We need to cure this- this.." He pauses searching for a word for what to call this, but someone finishes it for him saying," This fatal disease?! This isn't just something we can cure, THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD!" He screams surprising Tayton,"I QUIT, IM NOT GONNA SIT AROUND AND PRETEND TI KNOW WHATS GIING ON!" He yells again,"and if anyone would like to join me come on ahead!" Almost everyone gets up and walks out the door. Leaving only 3 scientist left alone, Tayton, Ronald, and Wendy. Wendy sighs, and gets up to look at the glass case containing Melody, she laid there barely alive. Wendy stood staring and said,"he's right you know, I don't think we can't just cure this" Tayton looks up to her and realizes a slow steady stream of tears began to form from her eyes.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the prologue if Survive! That was the beginning of Virus 32 just so you know. And I'll update soon bye!

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