|twenty two|

554 38 10

Sorry for such a long wait bbys
C h a r l o t t e

It read:

I would stop going out if I were you

You're going to get hurt

You all are

I lovE YoU cHarLOtte


(Capitals intended)

I swallowed and blinked rapidly, trying to get the tears from my vision.

"This is some sick joke" I repeated to myself, clutching the letter in my hand.

As I stood there I didn't even see anyone standing infront of me when the "person" took the letter from my hands.

"I'm here"

As soon as I blinked, Michael was gone. I kept checking everywhere but he was no where to be seen.

I took a shaking breath before pulling out my phone and dialling Calum's number.
I'm sorry I'm so inactive ;(

I love you guys a lot okay

You know I have iMessage so like should I give you guys my number and you can send random shit to me??

Okay bye
Thank you for reading

I love you
-Tianna xx

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