Chapter 28: Not One of Those Girls

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Crazy House Chapter 28

As I walk out into the hallway, I find a few of the others sitting down. Nadia and Sophie talk softly to one another, their faces somber; Sophie looks up as I walk past, but I look away the instant we make eye contact. Veronica sits by herself further down the hall, her arms hugging her legs to her chest; her eyes seem far away, haunted, and I can't help but notice how pale she is. For once I see the scared girl who hides behind the bully.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to find Elias behind me, a full grin on his face. I can't help but remember how well Mr. S had replicated that exact smile and shudder slightly.

"Great job Juliette!" he exclaims. "You did some phenomenal work in there, I knew you wouldn't fail to amaze me."

"You could see me?" I ask.

"The mirror served two purposes in this exercise," Elias responds, "one to help with the first challenge and two, to allow us to observe. A few of the investors watched from behind the mirror as you worked. I popped in to watch you for a little bit, along with Ryder, and I have to say, I'm glad I did."

"Why the investors?" I ask.

"So we could check out the product in action of course," says a voice from behind. I groan internally, instantly recognizing the smug tone of Theodore Bertrand. He walks up next to me with a look of such self-satisfaction, I have to actively fight the urge not to slap it off of his face. "I have to agree with Mr. Arrington here, you did some phenomenal work in there Miss Juliette."

Before I can reply, there is a loud commotion next to me and suddenly the door bursts open to reveal Miles wheezing loudly as he shoots into the hallway. He slams the door behind him and leans back against it as he slides to the floor, a single bead of sweat running down his cheek. I use this as an excuse to escape Theodore and sit down next to Miles.

"That was bloody awful," Miles gasps. "That thing, that...Mr. S. He is the stuff of nightmares."

"You can say that again," I mutter. We sit in silence, until Emilio joins us a few minutes later. His hands shake slightly as he sit down next to us, his face pale.

"I..." Emilio starts to speak, but he stops after the first word and shakes his head.

"Tell me about it," I mumble.

"I have never been so scared in my entire life," Emilio says. Miles nods his head in fervent agreement, but I remain silent. So far this is in like my top ten, maybe top five. "I kept thinking how I put off law school for this, how I was going to use the money to help pay for it all, and how none of that would even matter if I wind up dead."

"I was going to use it to go to art school," Miles chuckles humorlessly, "maybe get a flat in New York. Seems a bit stupid after everything I've seen I guess, so...I don't know, trivial I suppose. What about you Juliette?"

I shrug, "I just wanted a chance at a different life."

Emilio continues on as if he hadn't heard us, and considering how out of focus his eyes look, I don't think he did. "When I threw the bedside table at that mirror and everything went black, I honestly thought I had died, but then the light returned and I saw that thing disguised as Thomas. I was just so happy to see him, I didn't even question anything," Emilio shudders, "and kissed me. If I hadn't seen the knife in his hand out of the corner of my eye, I would probably be dead right now."

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