Sneak Peak ;)

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A/N: Hey guys, so I am going out of the country for vacation and I'm going to be gone for quite a while. I really wanted to upload another chapter but I have been busy with packing that I haven't been able to finish it. I feel bad because I have been bad about uploading lately and I really wouldn't want you guys to wait another month before you got anymore uploads soooo I compromised and decided to put up a little sneak peak of this upcoming chapter. I don't know if this makes things beter or worse but either way just relax and enjoy this little sneak peak.

Chapter 10

I gasp. I look around at the rose garden with a newfound horror. In my mind’s eye I see the massacre that happened here all those years ago. I can practically see Ryder’s mom and dad strewn across the ground, their bodies slit open and gutted like a fish; and Elias’s parents with their heads bashed in, their brains a scrambled mess.

“It’s funny,” the groundskeeper says, not looking remotely amused. “The roses in this garden used to be white. Ever since those poor kids were murdered, they’ve all grown in red.”

I stare at him in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“I mean that before the murder, all these flowers were white. Then after that, they all started growing in white.” He harrumphs and takes off his typical, old man, flat cap in annoyance.

“You’re sure you didn’t just replant red roses by accident?”

The groundskeeper fixes me with his grizzly stare and I cower in fear, taking a step back, “Lassie, does it look like I would just replant them by accident?” he growls.

 “Maybe someone else did it?” I gulp.

“Hardly,” he snorts. “I haven’t seen the professor leave that house of his in eight years. And his two numpty grandsons wouldn’t know the difference between a hoe and trowel. Besides, I’ve gotten rid of these flowers dozens of times to replace them with white ones, but they always come back red. And don’t say I made a mistake girlie, I double, even triple, check each time. And yet, there are still no white roses.”

“But, how is that even possible?” I whisper.

“I think the ground is tainted,” he says with his rough Scottish accent, a slightly mischievous grin marring his features. It looks out of place on his face, like someone had cut it out and pasted it on. “I think the earth got so heavy with blood that night, it stained the land. Now, everything that grows from this soil carries the taint, forever remembering what occurred on this ground eight years ago.”

I look around at the roses again. How had I not noticed before? They weren’t just red, they were a deep, irresistible red that both intoxicated and repulsed. The roses were the color of blood.

Strangely, I keep thinking of Alice and her friends painting the roses in Wonderland.

“We’re painting the roses red,” I murmur to myself, not quite realizing I said it out loud.

“What was that lassie? Speak up you numpty, you shouldn’t mumble!” the groundskeeper snaps.

“Um, nothing; just, you know, thinking out loud I suppose.” The groundskeeper looks at me like that it is the most ridiculous thing her has ever heard.

“I think it is time you go back to the house now,” he declares abruptly. I nod and turn back down the path I came, relieved to put an end to this conversation. My relief is short lived however, “oh and lassie, you’ll do well to never come here again. I think you’ll find the ground taints more than flowers.” A chill creeps up my back, but I ignore it and keep walking.

If you are wondering why this chapter is so short, then go back and read my author's note at the begining. I'm not going to answer any stupid complaints in the comments about why it is so short. You are on wattpad because you want to read, so read. I know I sound harsh right now and that this is a bit obvious, but trust me, you would be very surprised.

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