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You never realize how strong you are

until you realize being strong

is the only thing you have.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Serenity! Happy birthday to you!" my family sang to me as a wake up call. I groaned as I turned over to see them all smiling down at me. My brother was holding birthday pancakes, with strawberries and chocolate chips on top, may I note, that looked quite delcious.

"Happy birthday, Serenity, you're finally sixteen!" my mom exclaimed and hugged me as I sat up in bed.

"Um, thanks guys, but I should probably get ready. Busy day, right?"

My mom nodded. "We completely understand. A girl needs her privacy! Come on, boys, lets get out of Riley's hair."

They trooped out the door and I got out of bed. I stretched out, and then went to my closet where my outfit for the day was hanging, waiting for me; a strapless combo dress. The top around the bodice was white and the rest of the yellow fabric hung tightly a little above my waist and flew down to my mid-thigh. It was light, fun, and perfect for the unusually warm weather we were having this October.

I put it on and then a pair of white pumps. I did my hair in plain waves and dabbed on some lip gloss and mascara - nothing too fancy.

I went downstairs and my mom squealed. "Oh, baby girl, you look so pretty!" she said and hugged me again. "You're growing up so fast!"

"Thanks, Mom," I said as she released me. I sat down to eat my pancakes, a stack of three, occassionaly sipping my orange juice.

"Well, hon, we should probably get going. Don't want to be late to that appointment," my mom said to me.

I nodded and put my plate in the sink for her to wash. "Well, let's get to it. Steven, will you please wash the dishes once you're done with your breakfast and make sure Josh gets to school on time, okay?"

Dad nodded his head as he read the paper and rolled her eyes. "Men," she said as we walked through the mudroom and out into the garage. Mom opened the door by pushing the button in her car and backed out and onto the street.

"Honey, I want you to know that what happens, we'll get through it together. I know that the doctors are worried and so are you, but I'm sure you'll get through it, whatever it is."

"I know, Mom, thanks," I said, but I was worried.

You see, during PE, I had gotten a spike to the face and it broke my nose, which was none of the concern, but the one half of my face was all purple. Still. The big problem - that had been two months ago and the bruises should've gone away by now. But thanks to my pathetic athletic abilities, I had to waste lots of my parents' hard-earned money on doctors appointments and possibly treatments.

"But, anyhow," my mom said, interupting my thoughts, "After the doctor's appointment, you'll go to school and then after school you'll have your driving test at the DMV. Aren't you excited?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm really excited to get my liscense and buy a car," I said.

"Any ideas on what type of car?" he asked.

"Not really. I'm pretty open-minded, but I do know that it will be from the used lot," I said and we both laughed.

We both quited down and listen to the song on the radio.

Breathe deep, breath clear.

Know that I'm here, know that I'm here. Waiting.

A Birthday to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now