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we left the park and I drove back to Cameron's house as we walked in the door her mum was preparing dinner, I looked at the clock and it was 6. wow we were there for a while "hello girls dinner will be ready soon" mrs foster said warmly, Cameron scolded and dragging me by the arm upstairs into her room "I hate how she is so nice when people are over but is so evil when no one is here, this is why I need you around all the time" I pouted. she then raised her eyebrows and gasped "please be here when I tell her I'm pregnant" she almost yelled and I shushed her

"I really don't want to witness death in your house" I told her jokingly and she giggled. seconds later her phone vibrated, she looked at the message and smirked looking at me, I furrowed my eyebrows "what" I asked. "there's another party tonight... same place but just cause it got ruined last night they are doing it again, starts at 11, and guess what your coming" my eyes widened "oh no no no" I said waving my hands everywhere

she groaned at me "should we make a deal" she smirked. all deals were with her that I do what she does for cigarettes. "you gave me some yesterday remember, and I still have them" I poked my tongue out but the frowned remembering I still don't have a lighter "I need a lighter though" I told her. she stood up and opened her drawer, ruffling through it, she then grabbed a lighter and chucked it too me "I won't let you smoke that unless you come" I nodded my head making a deal, she squealed and clapped her hands

"dinners ready" we both heard mrs foster yell from downstairs


we were now back in cams room and she was looking through her closet deciding on what to wear and what I should wear, as she was looking through her wardrobe I decided to go on her balcony and have a smoke. I pulled a cigarette out of the packet and then pulled cams lighter out of my pocket. I cupped my hands around the cigarette and lit it, placing it between my lips I breathed in the smoke holding it in my mouth for a bit then let it float out of my mouth. this was the only thing that really took my mind of things and just-

wait what was that

I noticed the tall brown curly haired boy with the stunning green eyes walking past cams house, he stopped once he saw me looking up at me on the balcony, he stood there for a bit then shook his head before walking off. I groaned not understanding life

"what's wrong" I heard Cameron call from inside, I looked over at her walking inside "I don't even know" I sighed and laughed at the same time. I saw Cameron holding a skanky looking dress "wanna wear this" she asked smiling and I shook my head scolding at her "no thanks"

she sighed and went looking through her wardrobe again, as she was looking I scanned her outfit and she was wearing a short tight black skirt with a red lace crop top that had a low cut exposing a lot of cleavage but I really liked the top, it was exposing but hot. "I love your top cam" I said telling her my thoughts. she squealed once again "good" she said throwing a top at me, I held it up and it was the same lace crop top she had but in black, I shook my head "no cam I meant I loved it on you, I can't wear this" she glared at me and and I out my hands up in surrender "alright alright, bottoms please" I said extending my hand and she put white skinny jeans in my hand, perfect.

I looked in the mirror after I put the outfit on and my eyes widened, my boobs were about to fall out, I grabbed a jacket and threw it on too trying to cover my bust. for the next hour or two we were very quite so we wouldn't wake up her parents. I hated lying to other parents.

cam did my makeup, giving me bold red lips which surprisingly look appealing on me with my fair skin tone, she passed me some heels and my outfit was done, I couldn't even recognise myself, I looked like a completely different person. this was not my style of clothing but to be honest I think I wore it quite well. I looked at the time and it was 10:45. "how are we getting there" I whispered to cam "out the balcony" she whispered back and I sighed looking at our heals.

we finally got down the balcony 5 minutes later and we got in her car "what time are we getting home" I asked her as she turned a corner "whatever time" she said I nodded.

we got out the car and again I saw drunk people everywhere, I sighed not wanting to be here, I could be home in my bed sleeping right now but no. "you coming in?" cam asked me and I shook my head no, not again I'm going inside. "alright call me if you need me, love you" she said kissing my cheek but as she pulled away I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me looking at her sternly "please don't drink you have human in there" I said pointing at her belly and she nodded frowning "I know, I'll try my hardest"

I nodded and she walked off into the big house, leaving me alone outside, I sat down on this sandstone seat pulling out a cigarette, lighting it and placing it in my mouth for the second time today

"smoking kills" I heard someone say next to me, I jumped a bit turning my head to see once again

those emerald green eyes

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