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I woke up in a car, not a familiar one. I looked around and saw rubbish everywhere, I scolded at the smell, I slowly made my way out of the car and I couldn't figure out where I was, the car was parked in someone's driveway so I decide to go knock on the door, it was still dark but I didn't know the time, I went to pull my phone out of my pocket but it wasn't there "shoot" I whispered. I made my way to the front door or the apartment and knocked. I heard footsteps come closer until I heard the handle shake then turn, when the door opened it revealed a sleepy looking harry

I furrowed my eyebrows confused "why are you-" I started but he interrupted me "get in" he groaned and stepped back to let me in, so I walked in. as I walked in it was a long plain hallway, all the walls were pure white, no photos were hung or anything, so plain. I turned a corner and saw in the living room just a couch and tv mounted on a wall above a fire place, I kept looking around in the kitchen and it was so clean like no one ever uses it, on the kitchen table was just a vase with roses in them.

"having fun" I jumped at the sound of Harry's voice "where I am" I snapped still confused "this is my place, cam is in the bathroom by the way" he told
me calmly, I looked at the floor awkwardly "can I look around more" I ask him being curious as usual, he nodded and motioned me to follow him

there were a set of stairs again very plain with nothing on the walls, as we reached the top there was another hall way with door everything, all of them closed, he opened the first door and when it opened I furrowed my eyebrows, nothing. there was nothing in here, no desk no bed no curtains no nothing. maybe he just moved in I thought to myself so I didn't question him, I moved out of the room
to the next one but he stopped me "this is my room so we won't go in here" he half snapped

I ignored his rudeness and skipped his room to the next one and it looked exactly like the first except the view was amazing and there was a paint set in front of the window, there was a canvas on a stand and half of it was painted of the view out the window "have you been painting this" I questioned him and he shook his head "I bought it like that" he said.

how did he buy it like that if it is a painting of the view from him house. oh well

I walked out and saw one last room I went to open it but it was locked, then it suddenly opened making me
jump and cam walked out, I quickly wrapped my arms around her and hugged her "are you okay" she asked me and I nodded as I walked into the bathroom

a clean untouched looking bathroom was revealed I walked to the vanity and saw a pair of earrings, as I went to pick them up I heard Harry yell behind me "don't touch those" I jumped and almost slipped "what the hell" I snapped. he stormed towards me his height towering over mine "don't touch anything" he growled "get out, if you need to use the bathroom use the one downstairs" and I scoffed storming away from him

I went downstairs and saw cam cooking something, I glanced at the clock on the wall "3:43" it read "cam what are you doing" I asked her

"making breakfast" she said casually
"okay what is going on here, you are in this persons house and we don't even know them and you are just causally having breakfast at 4am in the morning like you live here, why are you so comfortable" I snapped. she sighed and shook her head "his a past friend misty relax, I've been helping him out around the house, just sit and eat" she ordered and I sat on the table and put my face in my hands


breakfast at 4am was quiet, no one spoke a word, me and cam left eventually and now we are back her house and everything is just swirling around in my head. I think I need to have a rest, I check the time and it is 5am

"cam I'm going to bed" I told her quietly and jumped onto her couch that's in her room, I closed my eyes and just thought

thought about what ? I don't know

I hope you are enjoying my lovelies xxxx don't forget to vote and comment

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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