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I stayed by that lake for a good half an hour, waiting in vain for Daf to come back. But she never did.  

I knew she was probably out there watching me, so I whispered a silent 'sorry', and headed back to my family. 

But my day didn't get any better.

That evening, my parents were raging against each other, like a storm against the land. They screamed abuse, when they thought me and Lib had gone to sleep. But I guess that was just what they thought. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I crept out of bed, and silently tip toes into Libby's room, with a tear streaked face.  

This time, Libby welcome me with open arms. I think she needed her own comfort too, as she wrapped her arms around me. 

"I don't know why you bother to hide your tears, Marky, they never hide their anger." She whispered in my ear, her voice laden with sadness. What broke my heart was she used my nickname. She never calls me 'Marky' unless she is close to tears herself. I rubbed my eyes furiously, and offering my own comfort, I told her; 

"Everything will be alright, Libby. We have each other." I wasn't sure if I was trying to make myself believe it.  

In the morning, my mum came downstairs with red rimmed eyes and a handful of tissues. I went into the living room, to watch 

Telly, and I was shocked to see Dad snoring quietly on the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket. I propelled my self backwards.  

"Dad's on the sofa." I declared plainly. Mum mumbled a reply I didn't quite catch, and she bashed a saucepan angrily on the work surface. I heard a surprised yelp from Dad. Libby looked at me sadly as she but into her toast, and gave me a rare hug before she set off to school. 

"I love you Marky." She whispered. I saw her eyes full of tears, not for the first time. I stuttered my 'I love you too, Lib', before she dashed of to school.

Mum didn't take me to school as she usually did that morning. She bluntly told me to walk. 

I was going to walk, but I found my footsteps taking me to the woods. To the lake. To Daffy.

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