Time To Think

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On the car journey home, I was more quiet than usual, and it didn't go unnoticed.

"What's up, kid?" My dad asked me, looking in the rear view mirror.

"Nothing. Just... Tired, that's all." I grumbled, watching the world flicker past my window as we drove past.

I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to Daffy.

What was she doing now? Are there more like her? Where does she live? Does she have a family too?

I don't know, but I supposed Daffy must have a family- how else did she come to be?


"Yes, dear?"

"Can I go on the laptop when we get home please?"

"Yes sure. Why?"

"I've got some researching to do." I smiled as everyone roared with laughter- for me to say I had to research, was like asking a fish to fly.


We got home a little later, I went straight to the laptop.

At first I didn't know what to put.

But it soon came to me.


Don't laugh at me! I saw that tail!

I typed it in, and it came up with a series of pictures, and this;

" 'Noun:

A fictitious or mythical half-human sea creature with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail of a fish.', ok, maybe Daffy's a mermaid."

The idea seemed kind of off putting. My new found friend was a mermaid?

No, it seemed a lot more cooler to call Daffy a Siren;

" 'Noun:

Each of a number of women or winged creatures whose singing lured unwary sailors onto rocks.' " But Daffy never had wings. She had a tail. This one looked more promising:


(in folklore and classical mythology) A nymph inhabiting or presiding over water, esp. a Naiad or Nereid.' I read it over and over again in my head. This was what Daffy was.

A Water Nymph.

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