On the plane

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Felix's POV:
I wake up and my little sister is sleeping on my shoulder. God I missed her. I'm so lucky to have Marzia in my life. I'm so happy she let (y/n) come with me instead of her. Josh she's such an angel. I smile and wake (y/n) up.
5 minutes till we land.
"(Y/n), (y/n) wake up ya dork. We're almost here!" I smile. She doesn't move, so I use plan B. I pinch her nose closed and I wait till she wakes up from lack of air, because that's what nice brothers do!
3, 2, 1...
"FELIIIIIX!!! You dick!!!" She screams, now, she had everyone in the planes attention. As soon as she realised that, she covered her face. "Fucker" she whispers. I just burst out laughing and I apologise for my stupid little sister.

(Y/n) flicks my forehead and pouts, "why man? Seriously, why?!" I could tell she was actually pissed off. I would be too, but not THAT angry. "Because you're a little dork and I'm the bully, play your part sis!" I flick her head.

4 minutes till we land.

(Y/n) got up to use the toilet. The line is pretty long and she keeps giving me funny looks, from what I can tell, the woman in front of her, smells like she already did her dirty business before she got up. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Excuse me, sir pewdiepie..." a little girls' voice spoke. I looked around to see a small girl, she looked 6 or 7. "I really like your videos cuz ur funny and stuff!" She smiled. I was overwhelmed by her cuteness. Do kids that young really watch my vids? I thought to myself, then I noticed her outfit. She had a brofist shirt, brofist shoes, dark blue leggings on and an Edgar cap to match her Edgar bag. She was definitely a bro! "Thank you! And what's your name?" I ask her. "My name is Tara!" She beamed.

"Well Tara, BROFIST!!" I brofisted her and she was so happy. Wow.

3 minutes till we land.

(Y/n) sat down. "So who have you been cheating on Marzia with, she's cute" she smirks and nudges me. She was talking about Tara. "Her name is Tara and she is the youngest bro I've ever met!!" I say excited. "Cool!" She says simply and gets her phone out. Seconds later I get a tweet notification. It was (y/n). It read; '3 minutes to go! USA, prepare yourself for the Kjellbergs!!! #brofist #USA #bro #cantwait #pewdiepie #(your youtuber name) #Kjellbergs'

I punch her arm playfully, "you ARE a dork!" I laugh. "So are you bro!" and she punches me back.

2 minutes till we land.

"How's it going bro's? I'm here with the ugly poop face (y/n)" I start "and I'm here with this smelly ball sack Felix" She says and snaps her fingers sassily. We both laugh. We vlog a bit and tell the bros about Tara and how I woke (y/n) up.

"Yeah yeah, pewdiepie, your SUCH a funny guy" She says sarcastically. "You said it!" I winked at the camera and she punches my arm. "HEY! What was that for?!" I say, and I pretend to be injured. "Oh my gahd! Guys!! I THINK I JUST KILLED PEWDIEPIE!!" She pauses "This is soooooo going on YouTube!" We were both vlogging, I could tell the people behind us were annoyed. We just laughed.

One minute till we land.

(Y/n) is jumping up and down. She is acting crazy. Who knew that someone so lazy could have THAT much energy!? I laughed at my own comment.

"What's so funny?" She asks, "Me" I respond.

"You're such a dick face! You know that" She says and she sticks her tongue out. I think fast and grab it. I quickly take my camera out and record....

"Say 'Felix Kjellberg is the most fabulous person in the world, ever!'" I demand.

"NEFEEEEE!!!" She screams (Never).

I pull on her tongue. "DO IT!" I yell.

"NAAAAAAAAAAA!!" (noooooo) I squeeze her tongue and she squeaks in pain.

"Fewix Shellberf iz ze must fabuluz pe-son in ze wold, efe!!!! Le' meh goooo!!!" She yells.

I let her tongue go and wipe my hand on her. "EWWW!" She screams. "Hey, it's your spit!" I say.

"You're going to put that on YouTube, aren't you...?" She asks.

"(y/n), that isn't even a question, OF COURSE I'M PUTTING THIS ON YOUTUBE!!" I yell, still recording.

"Shhhhh!" The old couple behind us sush us. We both giggle like 5 year olds.


We get our stuff and stand up. The old couple and a few other people glare at us. We truly are annoying. We both just look at each other and laugh.


We go to the conveyer belt to get out suitcases. There I take put my camera and Felix lies down on it and pretends to be superman. We both were crying it was so funny. (My cousin actually did that once, it was so funny)


We got our stuff and walked out to be greeted by...

OOOH!! Cliff-hanger!! BAM! Sorry guys, I had to! I hope you're enjoying the story so far, I sure am. I really enjoyed writing this chapter! I was laughing as I wrote it! Comment below who you think:

Picks you and Felix up

Your best friend is

What's going to happen while you're at the convention

Cya later

Have a great day!!

x Sennie

P.s. some people asked me if Sennie was my real name... It's not, I just don't feel comfortable sharing my real name. It's just something I don't want to do. Thnx for understanding. BUT, if you guys wanted, I could do a Q&A, just to tell you guys some details about myself. Whatever youz want! :)

P.p.s. Right now I'm listening to Jacks outro, "I'm everywhere, and I'm so hyper!! But I'm really sick and at home, so expect a few more chapters up today!! :) :(

My brother, my best friend & my boyfriend (a Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now