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I woke up the next morning in a bed. In a room. It wasn't the room Sean had showed me to. This was his room. He must've lifted me into his bed last night.
His arm was wrapped around me. He was so cute. He snored slightly which made me giggle. I kissed his nose and got out of his bed. I headed to my room, I took a shower, got changed, I made myself up and then I went to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. I decided to make pancakes, later maybe we could bake cookies together. That would be a lot of fun. I thought of all the things jack and I could do this week.
I jumped when I felt two hands on my sides. I relaxed into their grasp and the arms connected to the hands slithered around my waist. I smiled and let my head droop backwords. Sean. He kissed my head. "Morning sweet cheeks" he smiles. "Morning handsome" I blush. "What do you want to do today?" He asks, now hugging me from behind. "Anything and everything" I hum. "Sounds good! I maybe we can make a few videos together and then go out?" His voice went high pitched, like he wasn't sure on how I was going to react to that. "Are you asking me out Mr. McLouchlin?" I giggle. "Frankly, I am Miss Kjellberg!" He chuckles. "Then my answer shall be yes!!" I announce. "Plus, I'm good with anything you want to do!" I smile. "Awesome!" He smiles. "Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed last night. Your cuddles are the best" I turn around and kiss him. "I love you jacksepticeye!" I laugh.
"And I love you (YT/N)" he kisses me. I kiss back. Suddenly our kiss escalates into a full on make out session. I hold onto the back of his neck and head. He had a hold of my waist. He pulled me closer to him. We parted after ages of tongue dancing. Saliva everywhere. We giggled and pecked each others lips once more.
"Let's make some videos now!" I smile. Sean was so dazed. "O-okay" he stuttered. "You're so cute" I giggle.
I set everything up. Sean was still frozen in spot. "Hey Sean, you wanna maybe like record" I laugh. He shakes his head and walks over to me.
I hit record on the camera, I look at Sean.
We had like a mental argument on who would do their intro first. We both laughed.
"FINE, TOP O' THA MORNIN TO YA LADDIES, my name is jacksepticeye and here with me today is, da da da da!! (YT/N)!!!!!" He did jazz hands and I copied him.
"Ok my turn...
HEY GUYZZZZZZZ, it's (YT/N) and today I'm here with the one and only... Da da da da!! JACKSEPTICEYE!!!!!" I practically scream.
"Jeez, you're almost louder than me!" He laughs. I giggle. "Almost" I smirk.
"Anyway, today we decided, since I'm in Ireland for the weekend, that we'd shoot some videos together!" I smile.
"So for today, a Q & A" we both say. Both of our heads turn around at lightning speed. We look at each other in confusion. We had not planned for that. "Guys! We didn't even plan that! No joke! That was AWESOME" I sang. I went to give Sean a high five, he caught my hand with his thumb though, and made it a really awkward, long lasting hand hug. "What the hell are you doing?!" I laugh. "It's a hand hug" he grins widely. I swear this man is actually a kid. "You are so weird" I laugh. "Oh don't you get me started about you my dear (y/n)!" He laughs. "We haven't started with the actual video yet, we're 3 minutes in and this is all we've been doing..." I giggle. "QUALITY!" Jack yells. I start laughing. "Ok, now let's actually begin" he smiles at me. I smile back, widely, and I open my eyes wide. My face looked weird. I could tell.
He laughed again, "ok, finally, first question!
Both of you sing the Sesame Street theme tune. Ok?" Jack giggled.
"Sunny day,
sweeping the clouds away.
On my way,
To where the air is sweet,
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame Street,
How to get to Sesame Street,
How to get to Sesame Street!!" I sing as well as I possibly can. Jack didn't sing as much as I did. He just looked at me, dazed, yet again. "You're amazing at singing (y/n)!!" He exclaims excitedly. "You should totally sing more often on your channel, make it a series!!" He starts jumping with excitement. I put my hands up to my head and make a rainbow shape and say, "the more you know!"
"Next question!" I announce.
"Name one thing that you like about each others looks" jack reads the question.
"I really love jacks eyes" I giggle as I look at him.
"(Y/n) is just beautiful all round!" Jack giggles nervously.
"Um, I'm gonna edit this part out, but I think that was too obvious... Thank you though" I blush and then I kiss him.
He blushes aswell, then he says, "and I love (y/n)'a hair" he smiles at the camera, like what he said before wasn't on video.
We continued with our Q & A, then one question really made things awkward. Not between me and Sean, but between us and what the viewers would see.
"Ok, so (y/n) and Jack, I've been watching your channels for a whole now. I happen to be a huge fan. I noticed recently you two have become strangely close for 'just friends'. Please elaborate, and don't keep secrets from your fans ;) I smell a romance!" I read out. I looked at jack. He looked at me. What were we going to do. How do we answer this. "Jack and I are very close..." I trail off, I don't know how to finish it. "(Y/n), I actually have something to ask you" Jack says.
"Go on..." I say suspiciously.
"Will you be my girlfriend, even though I've asked you out already!" He chuckles. "Jack you're suck a goofball, but yes of course!" I lean in and so does he. We kiss in front of the camera. By now, all of our fans know about my kisses during the convention. This would be different though.
"Jack, are we going to edit this out?" I ask.
"I don't know, I just thought it would be cute" he smiles weakly.
"Oh don't get me wrong, it was adorable, but are we going to tell this this soon?" I ask. "(Y/n), if you're worried that this relationship won't last long, and announcing it will be bad just incase it doesn't work out... Then you're wrong, I'm sorry, but I love you with all my heart and I have for a while. I would never hurt you. I never want to hurt you. I just want to be by your side the whole way" he states. "Thank you Sean. I'm sorry, I never doubted you or anything, I was just scared. I love you too, no matter what. To the moon and back. I never want to be with anyone else, no one but you" I tear up. "You're beautiful" he says. I couldn't say anything. If I did, it would just be random letters. I was so lucky. "You're handsome" I chuckle despite the tears trickling down my cheeks. I wasn't sad.
I was actually the happiest person on earth right now.
"This is so going up" he laughs. "I agree" I smile. He kisses my cheek.
We round off our Q & A after a few more questions. The next video we make will be a vlog about our relationship. We then would play a shit ton of games together.

After our vlog and hours of gaming were over, we went out on a walk. It was only 4 so we had a few hours till we had to upload. Jack and I have the same uploading times, so that was handy.
"Wanna get some icecream?" Jack asks. "Sean, we haven't even had dinner yet!" I giggle. "Oh right, and what are you trying to tell me?" He jokes. "I, actually i have no idea, i want icecream too!" I laugh. "What are we waiting for then?! Let us go!!" Jack exclaims as he runs off. "Wait up!" i call out laughing. He stops, grabs my hand and we run together.
After we ordered, we sat down at a table indoors.
"So, 2 hours(ish) till we're 'official'" Sean smiles. "We were official before that, its just to the fans now" I smile back. "You know Sean, you have n o idea how lucky i feel to be here right now. I'm here, as ypur girlfriend. I have millions of people who like me. Millions. Thats scary. But they always have got my back. I've got the best friends i could ever wish for. I am so lucky to be me" i smile. "I feel the same way, (y/n). You know, ever since i saw you first, all those years ago, i knew i liked you. Maybe at first not in the like like way. But now. Now i know i love you. And i will do anything possible to make you happy" he smiles back.
Then he leans over the table. Before he could kiss me i whisper to him, "Sean, dont kiss me just yet, those kids are fans. They just took some photos of us and they keep looking our way."
"Oh! Ok, but that means i get an extra long kiss later" he winked an eye at me. "You're adorable" i laugh softly.
"I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" i whisper back. We decide to leave after we finish our icecream.
Then we feel taps on our shoulders. We turn around. There stood the tree kids who were taking photos of us. They werent kids though. They looked 15.
"Hey guys! We just wanted to say, big fans!" The first one said.
"And (y/n), what are you doing here in ireland?" The next one chuckled.
"I'm just here visiting jack" i smile.
"Oh yeah? I could have sworn i heard jack say 'i love you'!" The last one teased. They didnt look like mean girls or anything. They just seemed to ship us really hard.
"Girls, just wait till 6pm till you send out any tweets" jack said. Then he and i walked away.
We got back home and it was around the 5:00 mark.
We edited our video together and finally, at 6, we posted the same video, tha did have a few differences, to our channels.
Comments then came flodding in.

'#[j.y s/n]!! I called it'

'The way he looks at her is the way i want a guy to look at me'

'They are perfect for eachother'

'This is the moment ive been waiting for since they did their first collab together a few years back!!'


One comment really caught my eye.

Pewdiepie: '+jacksepticeye, you made my sister happy, you two are adorable together. Marzia and i ship you two now too!!'

I was almost in tears, everyone was being so nice. I really am lucky.
Sean came into the room and sat next to me.
"They love us" he smiled.
"I love us" i kissed his cheek, this was true happiness.

My brother, my best friend & my boyfriend (a Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now