Hand in hand

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I just stood there.
What the actual fuck was going on. He was smiling, I however, I was enraged.
"Happy birthday?"
Not happy.
Not happy at all.
It all started earlier on today...
I woke up. The fresh smell of pancakes filled my senses and I drifted towards the kitchen. Mark and Felix were in the kitchen making breakfast. I just sat down at the table and examined the two of them.
Felix turned around and then saw me. He wasn't expecting me to be there and he jumped.
"Jåvla! (Y/n), you scared the shit out of me!" He laughed, catching his breath.
"I'm sorry Mr.Videogames, I thought nothing in this world could scare you..." I smirk. "Oh shut up" he laughs. Mark spins around with a sheepish smile on his face. I just start laughing and so does he. "You look fabulous mark" I laugh.
"So do you (n/n)!" He giggles.
"What are you guys making?" I ask.
"Some birthday breakfast" mark responds.
"Wha- who. Oh. God damnit! I actually forgot about my birthday?! This is a low point for (y/n) Kjellberg!" I chuckle.
"Well we didn't forget, so get ready for a day filled with fun and surprises!" Felix smiled.
"Cant wait" i sighed. I never have ever had a 'happy' birthday. Every year, something bad happens and I end up not enjoying myself.
Every year.
Felix hugs me. "I promise this year, you'll have a happy birthday" he says.
"Promise?" I ask, still unsure of what to expect.
I smile at his certainty.
"Ok so, until 11 we are record videos. Then after 11, we are going to take food out to a park and have a picnic till 1. After our picnic we would go out and do some laser tag. I reserved the whole room for just us. That will go on until 2. Then after laser tag, we will go swimming till 4, then shopping till 5 and at 6, We are going out for a nice birthday dinner. I hope this is a good plan" Mark smiles.
"Wha- wait. Haven't I done. Uh- never mind then. Yeah... I can't wait" I say confused. Haven't I done that before? Is this just déjà vu. No. I know I've done this before, I just can't put my finger on it.
"So let's get recording then!" I smile.
Mark, Felix and I record. Then I record with Marzia. Then I record with Felix and Marzia and mark records his own thing. We just record tons of videos together. Mark and I make a video about our hair.
We wear matching shirts for that video. Then we all make a video together about me opening my presents.
I got a bunch if clothes and accessories from Marzia. I got a few games, devices and a necklace from Felix and from mark, he got merchandise made with my logo and his on the shirts, pants and hats. Then he also put a picture booth together of all the photos we've been in together. I got emotional.
"Thank you guys so much" I hug them all. My voice was shaky. They all giggled.
I giggle too.
We edited a bit and then we packed and headed out for a lovely lunch in the park. We played games, ate and talked.
I got so many happy birthday tweets. It was insane.
I was so grateful. Maybe today wasn't going to turn out bad after all.
We had lots of fun in the park. We met a few fans. One gave me a present. I was kind of weirded out by it but ignored that feeling and thanked them.
Later we went to laser tag. The woman there explained the rules. It was everyone against eachother. Everyone had their own nickname, their suit chose it for them.
I was Pumpkin
Felix was Floppy
Marzia was Silly and
Mark was Smelly.
We ran as the timer went off. We all scattered in different directions. The only thing on my mind was the time jack and I went laser tagging together. How every time he caught me, we made out.
I almost tear up at the thought, but then I stop myself from doing so. It will ruin my day.
Then I get shot. I look at the small monitor.
'You were shot by: Ziggy'
It read. What? No one had the name of 'ziggy'. I decided to ignore it. It was just a glitch or something.
Then you get shot by 'ziggy' again! Then again, and again.
"Mark? Felix? Marzia?" I call out. They all respond with 'yeah' at different times. "Who's Ziggy?" I ask aloud. "Your mom!!" Felix yells jokingly. "You and I share a mum Felix!" I yell back. We all burst out into a fit of laughters. I decide to find them.
I looked around everywhere. It was really easy to see me, my hair have off a slight glow, so I was visible in the dark.
'Pew' I hear. I turn around.
'You were shot by: Smelly' it read.
"MARK!!!" I scream and chase after him. I eventually loose him. When I turn the next corner, I spot Marzia and Felix making out. I walked back and quietly trotted off.
'You were shot by Ziggy'
"WHO THE FUCK IS ZIGGY?!" I scream. I hear subtle giggle. Not subtle enough for it not to et my attention. I walk toward the origin of the sound. Then all of a sudden, I hear loud foot steps heading the other direction. I don't think. I just run after the sound. After about 5 minutes of chasing, the foot steps stop and so do I. I just sit down any catch my breath. Them mark pops up.
"Hey loser" he laughs and then shoots me. "What up?" He smiles and sits down next to me.
"I have been shot by some 'Ziggy' tons of times. What the hell?! Who the bloody hell is ziggy?" I yell.
"I have no idea. I'm not" he shows me his badge.
"It might just be a glitch" he says.
"You're probably right" i sigh.
He smirks. "What?" I laugh.
"Oh, n-nothing, you're just a loser. That's all" he chuckles. I hear a slight laugh again. "I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU!!" I scream. I hear feet scamper away.
"Should we team up on Marzia and Felix?" Mark smirks.
"Sure" I giggle and we head off to find them.
After 3 minutes, we find them in the exact same place they were in when I last saw them.
This was really awkward for both Mark and I. They were still making out! I shot the both of them and they broke from their kiss. They glared at the both of us a mark and I laughed and then started running away.
They started chasing us. We heard the 'pew' sounds coming from their guns. I turned a corner and mark ran straight.
"Oof" I hear mark say. I giggled. He probably fell. Then I hear muffled talking. Was he with Felix, Marzia, both?
I walk over to were mark went. "Mark?" I call out. I hear scampering. I trot over and see mark casually sitting.
"Who were you talking to?" I ask.
"Felix, we teamed up to get Marzia. We decided to do girls vs boys" he smirked. I started running. I heard 'pews' but I didn't get hit. I hide and mark passes me. I sneak off in the other direction.
"Marzia~" I whisper. "Yeah" I hear. "Oh great! Where are you?" I ask. Marzia emerges from a corner. "Here" she smiles. "Awesome! Ok it's guys vs girls, so let's teach those boys" I smirk. I walk on and Marzia follows.
'You were shot by: Ziggy'
"FUCKING ZIGGY!!" I scream.
I shoot around. Marzia had her gun at her side.
"Marzia are you 'Ziggy'?" I ask.
"Nope, I'm Silly" she smiles.
"Right... Never mind then"
Mark ended up winning. Felix and i tied. Marzia was lost by two points. It was really close.
I had a lot of fun. Still confused about Ziggy though.
We then head out to go swimming. I got a new bikini for my birthday. It was a Mario style bikini. It was really cute. We got to the swimming pool, checked in and went into the changing room.
I got my bikini on and headed to the pool. Mark and Felix were already in it swimming. I turned around and Marzia was behind me. We walked to the edge and then Marzia pushed me in. We all laughed.
Swimming was so, so much fun. There was a blowup slide in the middle of the pool and whenever I went to slide down it, mark would push me off of it. There was one thing that kind of weirded me out though, I felt like I was being watched. Yeah ok, seems weird, but I just felt like people were staring. Did my fans notice me but not come up to me. I tried to brush off the feeling, but for some reason, it stayed.
Swimming came to an end. "Shopping time~" Marzia and I sang in excitement.
"If you guys want, you don't have to follow is around. You guys can go to the gamer stores or something" I smile.
"Oh no, no, no, we can't leave the birthday girl alone" Felix refuses.
"I'm with Marzia" I gesture to her.
"Alright then. Call me if you need anything" Felix says and the two boys head off.
Marzia and I go shoe shopping first. I get a pair of adorable high heels. She does too. Then we both have the sudden urge to buy a dress.
"I want to get a dress to match these shoes now" she sighs. I just grab her by the wrist and lead her into a dress shop. There we try on multiple dresses. I end up buying the last one I try on. It's black with a low V-line neck and the back is longer than the front. Marzia got a cute, short, blue and white dress. We both walked out of the store vary pleased with our recent purchases. "Thanks for everything Marzia, you've been great to me and I have no idea how I'll ever repay you" I smile.
"Ohw come here" she smiles. We do a sisterly hug and then part. "It was great having you living in our place, and you can stop by any time" she chuckles.
We round off our clothes shopping and then we head to where the guys said they would meet us.
I spot mark in the window of a shop.  He's talking to someone, they seem over excited. I laughed. Mark then turned around. He saw me and then left the person ha had been talking to.
Felix followed him.
"Who was that?" I ask.
"A fan, he was nice" Felix smirked.
"What's with the smirk" I laugh.
"No no, nothing. He started fan girling over you. He really loves you" Felix laughs.
"Alright..." I giggle.
"You guys done shopping?" Mark asks.
"Yep" we smile.
"Let's go" Felix says.
We get into a taxi.
"Oh crap" mark says.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I left all my stuff at the shop. Felix, can you come with?" He asks.
"Sure I guess" Felix says. The two guys walk away.
"Sorry sir, I hope you don't mind waiting" I sigh.
"That's no problem" the taxi driver answers.
Ten minutes later and the boys still hadn't returned.
"Ok you know what, I'm going to go look for them. You stay here (y/n) and text me if they come back" she sighs.
"Alright" I smile. She walks away.
"Sorry sir" I frown.
"No that's all right. Where are you guys heading?" He smiles.
"To some restaurant. It's my birthday" I smile slightly.
"Well happy birthday dear" he chuckles.
"Well, let's just go to that restaurant then!" He laughs.
"I don't know the address and I can't just leave my friends here" I reply.
"What if I tell you that I know the address and I'll pick up your friends when they're ready. All you have to do is put on the dress" he chuckles.
"Um, ok, sorry is this a prank. Mark are you filming?" I say openly.
"Mark isn't filming and either are Felix and Marzia" he says. The doors clicked. They were all locked.
Then he started driving.
"Ok! That's it' let me the fuck out!!!" I scream.
"(Y/n), you have to trust me" he says calmly.
"How do you know my name?!" I back up.
"Mark" he replies.
"What the fuck is going on" I breathe.
He doesn't reply. We pull up at the restaurant and he lets me out.
"Just go to the bathroom and put on the dress, trust me" he says.
I nod, still horrified. If this was all a prank I swear to god mark an Felix are getting two fists to the face each.
I walk in,
"Hello, you must be (y/n), please follow me" the woman at the front desk says.
I follow her and she leads me to the bathroom.
"Just put on the dress" she smiles.
I walk into the bathroom nervously. I look around. What the fuck.
On the counter, next to the sink there was a bag. It was filed with make up and hair things.
There was a note beside the bag.
'You know how it's done! x Danielle'
Danielle. The hair and make up stylist?! This was a dream. What else could it be.
I sigh in annoyance and I decide to just go along with it.
I looked great. I really did. Dress was on, heals were on, make up and hair was on point. I really hoped for this to be reality so I could actually look this good.
I walk out of the bathroom and the first thing I spot. Green hair and blue eyes.
I look at the man. "Son of a bitch" I say under my breath.
He walks over to me. I look at him dead in the eye. He notices my frustration.
I just stood there.
What the actual fuck was going on. He was smiling, I however, I was enraged.
"Happy birthday?"
Not happy.
Not happy at all.
"Sorry.." He says and hangs his head down.
"I'm sorry for everything. I shouldn't have left you in the state you were in. I should have spoken. I should have called. I just stupidly thought that it would be a wonderful idea, to keep you waiting and surprise you when you least expected me" he sighs.
He lifts his head up and looks at me. His eyes were filled with tears and regret. Yes I was mad. Yes I wanted to shout at him for leaving me believing he didn't actually love me.
I couldnt, I simply couldn't. I was more relieved than anything.
"J-jack, do you love me" I stutter. I was getting teary-eyed now aswel.
I have died,
Every day,
Waiting for you,
Darling don't,
Be afraid,
I have loved you for a thousand years,
I'll love you for a thousand more"
He sings quietly. Was this why Felix and mark never took my side when I complained. Because they knew he was coming for me? I couldn't take it. I missed him too much. I jumped into his arms and we both just stood there. Hugging. Crying.
He kissed my forehead.
"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I don't want to ever let you slip away. I want to be with you till my life comes to an end. Every day I spent away from you, every day I had to ignored you, I cried. I didn't want to. Deep down, I knew you were hurting but I was so stupid. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a bad boyfriend. I'm sorry for not being there. I-I just can't live without you" jack cries even harder.
"I love you Sean"
"I love you to (y/n)"
And with that, we kiss. The sparks fly. I feel it. I missed his warmth, his hugs, his kisses. I missed him.
"Don't leave me, ever again" I cry.
"Never again" he kisses me again.
"God I missed you so much!" He chuckles.
We had a great night after that. Jack and I ate, then he brought me out to the beach and we danced. He had a beautiful "picnic" set up. We lied down on the blanket, gazing up at the stars. Then he grabbed my hand. The warmth of his touch rushed through me and I blushed.
"I was Ziggy"
I take a moment to think.
"YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" I scream and punch him playfully.
We both laugh.
He looks at me. I look at him.
"You are so beautiful (y/n), I hope you know that"
I smile. I kiss him on the nose and then we both look up at the sky, the stars.

Hand in hand.
We will conquer the world.

The end•

(Plz read⬇️)
Thank you guys so much for reading this book. I really hope you enjoyed it, I really enjoyed writing it. Thank you to to all those who supported me through this, who voted and commented on literally, every chapter. I only received nice comments the whole way through. To these people(you know who you are), thank you. Thank you for not only supporting this book, but for supporting me, as a person. I love you all. Every time I get a notification for Wattpad on this story, I smile. I smile because I know that it will be something that'll brighten my day. Thank you.
And, for those of you who are about to rush to the comments, telling me it's too short or 'plz more', book two will be coming out after Christmas. I'm going to start writing now and I will be releasing the drafts on the 30th of december, it won't be and entire book uploaded in that day, it'll probably be a few chapters though. I know, I can't wait either!!
So as always,
Smell ya later lovelies.
And have a great day❤️

My brother, my best friend & my boyfriend (a Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now