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As always, in the morning,  I awoke from my slumber, brushed my teeth, ate my daily breakfast, went to the same regular school and once again passed the same scenery as I did since many years ago. Amongst the boring, distant scenery, one thing interested me.

A tower, standing tall and proud majestically. I myself bestowed the grand tower with the name of 'Black Tower', an uncreative name from an uncreative person like myself. The Black Tower was a huge mansion painted in black, rumoured to be vacant since the beginning of time.

On this particular day, I got out of my house and see two bulky, large men clad in all black and shades. The two marched towards me in a robotic manner. One of them swept me up and carried me in bridal style forcefully with great strength. He threw me in the back seat of a black sedan. My complaints and thrashing were ignored by the two.

"Where are you taking me!?" I yelled hysterically at him. Thoughts of abduction crossed my mind and they did not make me feel better.

The man remained silent, ignoring me.

"Who are you?" I tried to ask in a calmer voice, but it came out as a desperate scream.

He ignored me once more, his eyes focusing solely on the road.

I started to ask several questions, but still he remained as silent as ever. It was as if I was talking to a wall. The car came to a halt and one of the men carried me to the entrance of an oddly familiar tower. The other opened the gate and the two men entered the tower with me in one of the men's arms.

The interior of the tower reeked of grandeur, it was luxurious and decorated with royal objects- a crystal chandelier hanging at the precise centre of the room's ceiling, ancient paintings in golden frames and polished, wooden furnitures. The two walked towards the end of the room, entered the elevator which opened with a ding and pushed a button, causing the screen to display the number '19'. As the elevator ascended, the man released me while still gripping my wrists tightly.

"What are you planning to do?" I spoke in a calm manner, realising that further thrashing would result in futility.

Unlike the previous times, he spared me a quick glance, but spoke of nothing. The elevator was enveloped with eerie silence until the ding was heard again, opening the door of the elevator to reveal yet another room.

It was an enormous room, its walls pasted with black wallpaper, a golden chandelier dimly illuminating the room. There were two couches set to face each other,and in the further back of the room was an oaken office desk, behind it was a figure of a male, seated in a chair,facing away from me.

He cleared his throat and the men saluted, his grip not loosening.

"It seems like you got her," the man said in a raspy voice, and the two men replied with a 'yes'.

The chair turned, causing the man to face me. Honestly, I was rather astounded by his looks.

"Who are you?" I asked him, in a tone that indicted that I was pleading for him to answer me.

The man replied with a lopsided smile, his icy glare directed to my eyes.

The man- a young man with greenish eyes, curly brown hair, a fair complexion and a sharp nose- walked towards me with hands dug in the pocket of his black trousers. His face stopped a few inches in front of mine, so close that I could feel warm breath on my skin. His lips curved up into a smile, showing his dimples. His hand reached up to hold my chin ever so gently and caressed it.

He whispered in my ears with a husky, seductive tone, "Alexa Valerie Scarlett," he paused. "I got you."

"W-what do you mean?" Even though I was frozen in fear, I was able to stutter those words out.

He moved away and sat on his desk gracefully, crossed his legs in a manly manner, and took a sip of wine from the glass on the table. His calm, green eyes met my blue-green eyes and a playful smirk formed on his lips.

"I mean exactly what I mean."

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