jū ichi : what happened?

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Jungkook's POV

I rushed back to Minji's house. I was afraid of her doing silly things again. Even though I left her in the house when she's already calmed down, I still felt insecure.

I arrived her house and I went inside. I ran upstairs to her room. I didn't hear anything from her room. I tried to catch my breath,twisting the doorknob.

I saw her laying down on her bed hopelessly while hugging her pillow. She was crying again. I shut the door slowly and silently. She then woke up and sat down on her bed.

" Oh, Jungkook " she said, surprisingly normal. She wiped her tears away from both her eyes.

I showed her the package of ice creams then she hopped down from her bed and sat cross-legged on the floor. I bent my knees down and unpacked the package. She took out the chocolate flavor and started eating it.

I laid down on the floor, watching her as she ate. She kept eating and eating one after another. I'm glad she busied herself with eating the ice creams instead of throwing stuffs on the floor.

She took a bite of a melon-flavored ice cream then she stopped, "Want some?"
she asked me but I just smiled and shook my head. She continued eating the ice cream like a pig.

She took out the vanilla one from the package and tore it open. Then she stopped.

" Hmm? You don't like this one ? " I asked her and then tears rolled down on her face.

She shook her head and bit her bottom lip. " It was his favorite" she said. Without thinking, I took it from her hand and started eating.

" Ya! It's mine " she yelled but I kept eating it until it's gone.

" But you didn't eat " I said and laid down on the floor again. She kept eating and eating until all the ice creams are gone completely.

" Hey, you might catch a cold later on" I told her but she crawled her way back to sleep on her bed. I shook my head and began preparing her stuffs. I cleaned her room silently hoping she couldn't hear the loud noises.

Then I got all tired so I just slept on the floor and I thought that I couldn't leave her alone. I took a shower and drifted to sleep.

* Sunday 8am *

" Ouch !! " I woke up when I felt something heavy on my body. I rubbed my eyes to see a clear view of my surroundings then I saw Minji laying on my chest. She fell from her bed, oh god.

" Minji? " I grabbed her by her forearm but she hugged me tighter. My heart is racing and my cheeks flushed. That's not the point right now. I could feel her body's shivering and her forehead is extremely hot.

39 degree celsius ?!? That's too high!! I put her to bed and immediately rushed outside to buy medicines and something for her to eat.

I went to the pharmacy and got her some flu medicines. It's my fault for letting her eat those ice creams last night. Now she's sick.

I went to market and bought some vegetables because I'm going to make porridge for her. Then I went to convenience store to buy some ingredients and some food and drinks home. I went to the cashier counter then I saw Dinah again.

She was holding a package full of instant noodles with the same brand from the last time I saw her. Instant noodles again?!

" Jungkook ? " she turned around, putting her money in her wallet then she looked at me. I smiled at her and then she stepped away, letting me make my way to the cashier counter. I bought the stuffs I wanted then I walked outside the shop.

Again, I saw Dinah standing in front of the shop. She smiled at me and I smiled at her back.

" Instant noodles again? " I asked her as I looked at her package then I looked at her. She made a bittersmile and rubbed the nape of her neck.

" Yeah, " she said. We started walking.

" How about your mom? " I asked her to break the silence.

" She's rarely home, " she said, looking down at the ground as she walked.
" And you knew that I can't cook " she giggled and I chuckled too, as I remembered the time she tried to cook for me but she ended up burning the kitchen.

" Let's come and eat together, " I thought of something stupid and blurted out on accident. Then on a second thought, it's not bad right? We're just eating after all.

" You won't mind ? " her expression got brighter and she laughed. I said that I wouldn't mind so we both started walking to my house. Not my house though, Minji's house.

We arrived the house. I made my way to Minji's house.

" Isn't this your house? " she pointed at my house.

" Ah, yeah. But I have a sick person to take care of right now. " I replied then she followed me inside Minji's house.

" Sit here, " I told her as I led her to the living room and she sat down on the couch.

I ran upstairs to Minji's room and saw her sleeping while covering her blanket. I changed the towel from her forehead and noticed that she became warmer. Phew. She was like a newly roasted chicken a while ago.

" Where have you been? " she asked me as I placed the towel on her forehead and I could feel hot air coming from her nose and her mouth as she spoke.

" To buy something for you, " I replied and sat down on her bed. " Oh and I have an old friend sitting at your living room " I added.

" Who is she or he ? " she asked me as she woke up from her pillow causing the towel to fall on her laps.

" She's Park Dinah, and ... she used to be my girlfriend " I explained to her and then her eyes widened.

" Omg, you had a girlfriend?! " she laughed and teased me. I pouted and burst out laughing like crazy.

" asked the one who never had a boyfriend " I teased her back and she elbowed me. It was just a slight hit that I couldn't feel anything at all.

" Lemme see what kind of person she is," she made her way passed me and started walking outside her room. I followed her to the living room.

She was walking happily until she arrived the living room. Dinah stood up, surprised. And Minji's expression darkened.

" Minji? " I called her name, tapping her shoulder. She walked backwards tremblingly as she cupped her mouth with her hands. She fell on the ground causing me to bend down on my knees to see what's going with her.

" No! No! Don't come near me! " she yelled very loudly and she panicked. Tears start streaming down on her cheeks as she messed her hair in torment.

I grabbed her by her shoulders and faced her but she didn't look at me.

" No!! I'm sorry! I won't do this again! Don't come near me! " she kept yelling, looking at the ground. I shook her shoulders and called her name then she looked at me.

" Jungkook, help me. I'm scared. I can't handle this anymore " she screamed tremblingly and loudly as she hugged me. I hugged her back without hesitation. I tried to comfort her and calm her down by tapping her back as she dug her face to my chest.

I took a look at Dinah who's standing next to the couch with widened eyes, surprised and couldn't utter a word.

What's going on between these two?

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