Truth Or Dare

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I dare everyone to play truth or dare ~_Snowflake_011

Snow: Hey that's my dare

Jen: Yeah cause your the only one that-

Rod: Asks and dares us *grins*

Jen: I've always hated you from the day i was born *smiles*

Bob: Okay lets start?!

Jen/Snow/Rod: Ugh fine

Bob: Okay Jen, truth or dare?

Jen: Hmmm I think I'll go with dare

Bob: Okay I dare you to go out and high five six people you don't know

Jen: -_- Fine *goes out and high fives five people*
Okay one more
*spots random guy walking and walks to him* HEY THERE high five *raises hand*

Random guy: Go away

Jen: Fine *high fives his face and runs away* Hahhahaha

Random guy: -_- kids *has a red hand mark on his face*

Jen: Done okay Snow truth or dare?

Snow: Dare

Jen: I dare you to do the cinnamon challenge *grins*

Snow: The one time I came over

Jen: It's not that bad

Rod: I have no idea how? But she likes cinnamon

Snow: Wow..... Okay I'll do it

Jen: Yes *goes to the kitchen and brings back cinnamon and a tea spoon* here

Snow: Thanks *grabs it* Here goes nothing *puts spoon in mouth* o_O

Bob: Is she okay?!

Snow: o_O

Rod: I don't know

Snow: o_O

Jen: Meh she's okay *shrugs*

Snow: WATER!!!

Jen: Good thing *gives her five litres of water*

Snow: *drinks* ah much better but that was the worst dare ever *glares at Jen*

Jen: What?! It's good *gets a spoonful of cinnamon and puts in mouth and swallows it* Mmmm nice

Snow/Bob/Rod: How?!

Jen: *shrugs* Don't know it's your turn Snow.

Snow: Kay Rod, truth or dare?!

Rod: Truth

Snow: Who would you rather be stuck in an elevator with.... Bob or Jen?!

Rod: Ummm Jen

Jen: Reason?!

Rod: Cause if I was stuck with you we would talk and argue which I'm used to and with Bob.... Well it would be weird...... No offence Bob

Bob: 30% not taken *glares*

Rod: *shrugs* Good enough
Okay Bob, truth or dare?!

Bob: Dare

Rod: I dare you to kiss my foot

Bob: Ew your sick

Rod: I know *raises feet* Now kiss it

Bob: Fine *kisses Rod's feet for one second* Yuck

Jen/Snow/Rod: *rolling on the floor laughing* Ask and haha dare hahahahha

Bob: -_- Away

Everyone: Bye

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