Scare Time! *evil Laugh*& Scary Campnight Pt2

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I dare all the girls scare bob and rod super hardcore~ girl_with_knives

Girls: Muhuhahahahaha!

Jen: Good thing we're still at the cemetery.

Anne: Yeah. *evilly laughs again*

Snow: Now we wait till night time. *grins*

**8:59 p.m. Bob and Rod are tucked in their sleeping bags**

Jen: It's tim- Wait! Aw...

Snow: What?

Jen: I forgot to pack the emergency make-up kit. *bangs head on the tent wall* (which is not that hard XD)
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Anne: Hey, wait!

Jen & Snow: What?

Anne: Didn't Joy dress up as a vampire on the first night?

Jen & Snow: Yeah, And?

Anne: Didn't she use make-up?

Jen & Snow: Yeah, An- Ohhh!

Jen/Snow/Anne: *looks at Joy*

Joy: *whistles innocently* Oh look a spider. WAIT! A SPIDER! AH! *zaps spider with wand* Oops? Heh.

Anne: *raises a brow*

Joy: Fine. Here, take it. *hands the make-up kit over*

Snow: Now here's the plan... *tells them the plan*

Girls: *grins evilly*

**15 Minutes later**

Rod/Bob: *snoring*

Snow: *dressed as a Zombie* Let's put this next to Bob. *tries to put a Jack in a box next to Bob*.

Jen: * dressed as a Mummy* Wait.

Snow: What?.

Jen: Put it next to Rod.

Snow: Why?

Jen: His stupid enough to fall for it.

Snow: Oh... *puts it next to Rod* *taps Rod on his shoulder and runs away with Jen*

Rod: *wakes up* Huh? *sees Jack in a box* Cool. Wonder what happens if I turn the handle? *turns it*

*Jack in a box pops up*

Rod: O.O.................................. *drinks water* Ahem... AHHHHHHHHH! *runs out screaming*

Bob: *screams and gets up* Wth?! -_-
*groans* Rod... *follows him out*

Rod: *closing his eyes and is shaking*

Bob: Quit shaking.

Rod: Tell me it's gone.

Bob: What's gone?

Rod: *eyes still close and points up*

Bob: *looks up*

Joy: *dressed as a vampire* *covering self with black cloth*

Rod: *opens one eye* -_O *sees vampire* *whispers to Bob* It's still

Bob: *hair is standing up* Y-y-y-yeah.

Both: *back away slowly*

Joy: *looks up from cloth* * eyes are red* Blood. I smell blood. *looks at Rod and Bob and hisses* *starts flying towards them*

Bob/Rod: AHHHHH! *runs*

Joy: *teleports to the tent* Oh my gosh! Their faces were priceless. *laughs and wipes tear* Time to check on the others. *teleports to where Anne is*

Anne: *is dressed up as a Pirate*(The Flying Dutch Man from SpongeBob Square Pants) *looks up* Hey.

Joy: Hey. You ready?

Anne: *nods* Yep.

Bob/Rod: *runs their way* AHHH!

Anne: Now.

Joy: *grins* *makes Anne fly*

Anne: *has a microphone on her jacket that makes here voice deep, loud and creepy* Aye! Who dares disturbs the Flying Dutch Man!

Bob/Rod: AHHH!

Anne: Now I will take your souls to Davy Jones locker!

Bob/Rod: NO! NEVER! *runs away screaming*

Anne: Psh! What a bunch of babies.

Joy: I know. Let's check on the others.
*flies Anne to where Snow and Jen are hiding* We're here.

Jen: Did you get them good? *smirks*

Joy: You see on the cameras we hid around the place. *grins*

Snow: Shh. Their coming this way.

Bob/Rod: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Phew. I think we lost them...

Girls: *come out of hiding place*

Anne: *turns on her microphone* Aye! Nobody escapes the Flying Dutch Man! *laughs evilly*

Joy: Blood.. *flies towards them slowly*

Snow: Braaaaainss.... *walks slowly towards them*

Jen: Arrrrgggghhhh.... *walks towards them slowly*

Rod: Ah! Bob do you know what this means? *shakes Bob*

Bob: Uh, No.

Rod: IT'S THRILLER NIGHT!! *shakes Bob viciously*

Anne: *microphone thingy still on* Yeah sure let's go with that. Hit it!

Joy: *secretly makes the song 'Thriller Night by Michael Jackson' come on*

Girls: *dances like the people in the video*

Cause this is thriller! Thriller Night.


Thriller, Thriller!
Thriller Night!

Girls: *start walking towards them*

Bob/Rod: AHHHHHH! *hugs each other*

Jen: *pulls out phone and takes a picture and starts laughing*

Bob/Rod: Girls!! I'm gonna kill you all!!

Joy: Yeah but better go change.

Bob/Rod: Huh?

Joy: Look down.

Bob/Rod: *looks down* Oh fudge! *teleports to the tent*

Girls: Hahahahhahaha!!! Oh my globe! They wet themselves!

Jen: Which means, we made a good scare. *grins* Lets go, I'm feeling tired.

Joy: Me two.

Snow: Me three.

Anne: Me four.

Girls: Ask and Dare away.

All girls but Joy: Bye. *falls asleep*

Joy: *shrugs and teleports them back to the tent*

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