Chocolate, Boyfriends And Girlfriends

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I dare Anne and Jen to have a Chocolate Eating Contest~_Snowflake_011

Jen: *squealing* Yay! Yay! Yay!

Snow: What's wrong with her?

Rod: She likes Chocolate

Snow: Oh

Jen: Thanks so so so so so so so so so so much Snow *hugs her*

Snow: Uhh your welcome *hugs back awkwardly*

Anne: Your going down Jen!

Jen: No! You are

Anne: *glares*

Jen: *glares back*

Bob: It's about to go down!

Rod: Swing your-

Jen: O_O *covers Rod's mouth* Shut up!

Anne: *goes and brings back chocolate* Let's start

Jen: Oh your on!

Bob: Go!!

Anne/Jen: *starts eating*

25 chocolates later......

Anne: Ugh! I..... Have.... Had.... Enough

Jen: I don't

Snow: Ewww Anne that's so gross

Anne: Than why'd you dare me in the first place *face goes green*
Excuse me *runs to the bathroom*

Everyone else: *hears gagging noises from the bathroom*

Anne: *comes back* Much better
Next dare *reads*

Question for Anne, Bob, Snow, Rod? If you had a boyfriend/girlfriend (in the book only), who would it be? ~_ravenPOOP_

Everyone except Jen: What?!

Jen: Answer!

Anne: Well I don't have a crush on Bob or Rod because their my- I said to much *smiles innocently*

Bob: Why would I have a crush on my sister, niece and a book guest.
Besides I already - *blushes* I-I -

Jen: Already have a girlfriend *squeals*

Bob: *eyes widen and blushes deep red* NO!!!! NO I DON'T!!!!

Jen: YES YOU DO!!!!

Bob: I *leaves*

Jen: I can do anything I want *smirks*

Mum: Jen come and clean the dishes!!
Jen: Or maybe not. COMING MA!

Rod: I don't have a crush *shrugs*

Snow: Me too


Snow/Rod: Bye

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