love is chaos, love is kind, love is painful, love is blind(1)

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I heard love is blind so here we go

I got out of my Mercedes convertible and started to make my way through the car park into the school grounds. I was fresh out of juvi and coming back home.

From one hell hole to another.

This place is just as bad as prison.

Going to prison put things in a little perspective for me, but the outside domineer had to stay the same for me to maintain my position a the social king. That sounded petty and pathetic even to me but that's my life. I just had this and senior year to get through till I was free.

So without further ado, I checked my reflection in the mirror.

Sexy as hell. Check. And I went into the reception

I came to the front entrance and got my timetable. The whole school knew I was back, so I showed up early trying to put off the showdowns of affection that would no doubt be happing on my first day back.

So I plastered my don't-fuck-with-me look over my face so I didn't have to bother acting like I was glad to be back and strode over to homeroom.

I tried to avoid the smog's of girls trying to smother me with their breasts, and the guys faking that they were glad I was back. They were all trying to impress me; With the invites to parties and passes to exclusive clubs. Clearly I was still on top of things here; no surprise. High school was like a heard of sheep following me around. Not to sound bigheaded but I had most people rapped around my fingers.

I was amused and disgusted at the same time when these girls looked at me, giggled like idiots and then hid behind their hair.

No body knew why I was sent down, not even my "friends" not that it would change anything unless I let it, but I could tell they were all curious even the teachers. There was some stuff you just couldn't share so put on a smug smile and told everyone it was drugs.

I breezed past my first few periods, making idle banter with everyone and received a few more invites to parties, and various social events, looked like my old friend Jake Pearson was the man today because he had the biggest party going down tonight which I would have to go to. So when I got to period 5 biology I was pretty much booked for the whole week.

I got put next to this really bland looking girl, with nice dark chestnut coloured hair. She wasn't ugly but she wasn't anything to get excited up about. I couldn't remember her name but it didn't matter because she'll know me; and I didn't need to know her because socially she was a nobody. And at Trinity Cross high that was all that mattered.

But it was always amusing to be partners with these supposedly individual, independent and intellectual types; who prided themselves thinking that they were immune a boys charm but actually weren't , and ended up hating themselves for it. Not that I blame them, I have yet to meet a girl with enough self respect to turn me down.

I did know the girl, she moved back here a couple of years ago , apparently she used to be one of us, till her parents joint business ended when her dads scandalous affair with his wife's sister was found out , then she moved away with her mother.

And now she wasn't the way that she used to be.

Poor girl

Well that's what I hear ; I don't really know since I haven't actually bothered in the last few years since I was always in a drunken haze but in juvi they made me take alcohol workshops and now here I am, out early on good behaviour and intending to stay sober.

love is chaos, love is kind, love is painful, love is blind(1)Where stories live. Discover now