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JoJo cradled you throughout the night, once he was able to let off a little more steam he was much more pleasant to be around. Instead of being the irritable rude and insensitive prick he was before, he much more understanding and kind with you now. You cuddle up to his chest bunching up his shirt in your fists as you struggle to sit comfortably, he leans in to kiss your forehead, brushing a few loose strands of hair away from your face as well. As he sits up to go make some breakfast, he lays you out across the couch draping the blanket over you. JoJo turns to look at your bag sitting on the arm chair, he hastely walks over and rummages through it looking for anything of intrest, he pulls out your phone, switching it on to skim through the messages that flodded the lockscreen. They were all from Reita, consisting of mostly contradicting threats and apologies.

Jojo takes it upon himself to swipe away every message on the screen leaving it blank, he slides the lock button and much to his surprise you did not have a passcode lock set on it. After a few moments of trying to locate the things on your phone he goes into your messages and deletes the whole conversation with Reita before tossing your phone back into your bag. Feeling satisfied with himself he walks into the kitchen and takes out 2 small glasses from the cabinet setting them onto the counter. Swinging open the fridge door he grabs a carton of orange juice to fill the glasses. Leaving the open carton on the counter he tiptoes back over to the couch, setting the glasses down. JoJo gently pushes on your shoulder, causing you to jerk back in freight. You slowly sit up your hands planted firmly on the sides of your head. JoJo hands you one of the glasses and you take a big gulp, feeling the liquid loosen up your dry throat.

JoJo:" How did you sleep hun? Are you feeling better from what happened yesterday?"

You:" Eh i feel alright. My body really aches. Can you look to see if i have any bruises? I feel like im covered in them."

JoJo gently lifts your shirt up stoping just below your breasts noting the fine line between deciency and over exposure. He decicately ran his fingers across your skin tracing around the perimeter of many large bruises scattered out on your skin, gently rubbing his hand on your stomach to sooth your nerves.

JoJo:" There is quite a few and they are pretty large. Don't strain yourself, okay? Im here to take care of you. You are lot lifting a finger till you are fully healed."

You respected JoJo's wishes and continued to stay bed ridden and he selflessly took care of you. As it was approaching almost 3 weeks that you have been staying here, Reitas efforts to win back your affection went from one extreme to the next. Obsessive threatening texts turned to phone calls and those turned to him calling JoJo's home phone demanding he speak with Kiyomi and those soon turned to him showing up at JoJo's home. You were unaware of all these attempts as JoJo made it his prime goal to cut off all communication between you and Reita and so far that deemed successful. JoJo became more and more secretive as days went on as well as over protective but you convinced yourself it was only him trying to keep you safe. JoJo kept you locked up in the house pretty much shutting you off from all social interaction because he deemed outside life to be too dangerous for you and just wanting to keep you happy you did as you were told.

JoJo would occasionally shower you with expensive gifts when ever he recieved money from work. Half of the time you didnt really want these offerings because they were simply materialistic items that served no purpose, like jewlery, clothes, shoes. She felt you had no other option but to accept these gifts he had bought for you but he would constantly complain that you never whore them. How could you? You never went outside to show them off to anyone. You have permanently moved into his home and he would share his bed with you. You never really understood how it came to this and you two never offically decided to start dating or anything, you just lived together and he treated you like you were his wife. You were fine with this but you just slowly became lonely and felt isolated from the outside world. Whenever you brought up your feelings JoJo woukd accuse you of not loving him and wanting to leave.

JoJo:" What do you not love me anymore? Do you not appreciate all the things i've done for you? Why would you want to get rid of? How are you even lonely? I'm always here to keep you company, do you not enjoy me being around?"

You:" N-no JoJo of course i love you and you make me so happy but i just......i miss my friends. I miss the fresh air and festivities."

JoJo:" Oh so you want to leave me, thats what you're saying? You are being selfish, what about my feelings? I've been taking care of you this whole time and this is how you repay me? I cant believe you are being this selfish. Also your friends can come here to see you, ONLY AFTER i talk to them and deem they are trusting. I cant let strangers into my home Kiyomi, do you know what could happen? They could turn you against me or even worse they could take you away from me and i am not going to let that happen, you hear me? You are not leaving this house unsupervised and without me there with you. Its not that i do not trust you, i am just worried for you safety and you know that Kiyomi, dont play dumb."

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