Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

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Racing through the halls of Mount Massive Asylum, Waylon once again found himself being chased by one of the crazed variants that resided there. He reached a corner with a closed door, he tried to open it but his attempt was in vain. It was locked from the other side. There would be no escaping this time. He slid down the wall and folded in on himself. 'This is the end.' He thought hearing the heavy foot falls of his pursuer coming closer.

"Lisa I am so sorry... I hope you will be able to move on from this. Let my boys know I love them." He said aloud trying to make some sort of peace within himself. He then braced himself for the final blow coming. The footsteps had stopped and he heard ragged breathing above him. "Need a hand?" A deep voice asked him.

Waylon dared to look up. Tired green eyes met petrified blue. "W-what?" He stuttered. "I asked you if you needed help up." The man replied outstretching his hand. Waylon hesitantly took it. As the man began to hall him to his feet Waylon slipped from his grasp falling back to the ground with a thud. The man's hand had some sort of slick substance on it. "Sorry about that... I didn't think that through all the way." He said. Waylon stood back up this time on his own before looking down at the man's hand. "Oh my god..." He said staring at the copped off digits.

"Ya... That happens when you run in to some unwanted company I guess..." The man said putting his injured hands in the pockets of his jacket. "I'm Miles Upshur. I was sent an e-mail to come investigate this place by one of the workers. He said there was some strange shit going on here... But damn I had never realized it was going to be like this..." He introduced himself.

'Miles... Miles... Miles' Waylon thought to himself. 'Why did that sound so familiar... Oh god I was the one that sent this poor soul here. Oh god this is all my fault...' "You okay man? You look a little pale. This place has that effect on a person but I just want to make sure you are alright." Miles said staring at the horrified expression on Waylon's face. "I-it was me...I I s-sent you the e-mail... You're that free-lance journalist... I am so sorry... Oh god it's all my fault you are in this mess... I am so sorry..." Waylon whispered.

Miles expression turned to that of concern. "You didn't know I'd even show up let alone get into this mess. It's okay. Right now we are stuck in this together. Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves we need to find a way out. Now come on. We can't just sit here and wait for our deaths!" Miles said pulling Waylon along by the arm. He was right. No time to set and dwell.

"I'm so sorry Miles..." Waylon said feeling tears stinging at the corners of his eyes. "I shouldn't have brought anyone into this..." "Look man i-" Waylon cut him off. "It's Waylon." He said. "Okay. Look Waylon, like I said we don't really have the time right now for apologies. We have to get out of here. I don't blame you okay?" Miles said. Waylon nodded and let himself be drug by Miles.

"Can I ask you something?" Waylon questioned looking up to meet Miles gaze as the two trudged through the dark hall. "Go ahead." Miles replied. "How did you know I wasn't one of them?" He asked. "Number one you don't look like a hideous abomination. Plus I don't think variants run around scared and praying with a camcorder in their hands either." Miles said motioning to his own. "Let's just say I get the idea. And I'm kinda glad I'm not alone anymore. I'm not trying to say I'd ever wish for another soul to come here it's just... I don't know how much longer I could have kept sane..."

Waylon again nodded. He understood how Miles felt. He wasn't exactly sad to run into another 'normal' person in this hell hole either. In fact it was kind of calming. He finally felt that maybe just maybe he could make it out in one piece. Poor Miles couldn't exactly say the same.


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