Chapter Five: Jennifer Devine

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"But, Josh-." I was then cut off from my whining nearly dropping the phone from the crook of my neck as I attempted to paint in the empty and eery house.

"No buts, Jenny. You're coming and that's final," my brother said, a slight annoyed tone to his voice. I sighed, setting the brush down and staring at the floor with glassy eyes.


"Love you, sis. I have to get back to work. The boys are getting antsy." His voice was rushed and I could tell he really needed to get off.

"Love y-." I was then cut off by a click and the line was dead. I sighed, dropping to the bed behind me. The eye I had drawn was so eery and creepy, a dark red surrounding the black pupil, light gleaming off it. I hadn't been able to paint anything else since the year before. Since the life changing event that morphed my life forever, for the good and the bad.

I stared at the untouched suitcase next, eyes becoming glassy yet again. I couldn't think of that. It would only cause me to be more pained. I just needed to figure out what in the world I needed to pack for a three month or possibly longer tour with five guys and my brother. And as soon as I knew I was packing, preparing to leave the next day along with my dangerous past.


The airport was in complete chaos, people running around everywhere, looking for their loved ones and praying they weren't on the wreck. All the while I was looking for one boy, my brother, as he was supposed to be picking me up. Josh Devine may have been famous for his drumming skills but his timing was never perfect. He was always late, the last one to parties or out of the door even. It was something I had grown accustomed to. He was my father figure while growing up, actually my only parent figure. My mum was always working or out of the house on a business trip. And the few times she had a day off, she was out whoring around with random guys at bars.

This, I also grew up with and didn't think anything of until I was at least fourteen. Then I realized what was going on when my mum would walk in with glasses covering her face the next morning. so my brother had taken on responsibility of me until he was pulled on tour, leaving me and then the horrible thing happened and he didn't even know it. He just knew a depression had hit me and I could barely talk to anyone other than him without being overwhelmed by a sense of paranoia.

"Jenny!" I turned to find my brother grinning. I grinned back, losing all control of my legs as they led me running into my brother's embrace.

"Josh!" I stared into the blue eyes of my brother, happiness overwhelming me. I hadn't realized I missed my twin this much. It was all ruined when I noticed the four boys standing behind him. One Direction.

"Jen, I want you to meet the boys. You'll be sharing a tour bus with them for the next few months." I gave them all sheepish smiles. They all waved slightly, eyes on me and heads lowered to the floor, keeping their faces hidden. "I'll introduce you to each once we get back on the bus. For right now, we need to get out of here."

I nodded, adjusting the strap on my shoulder before allowing him to take my suitcase and following him out of the door. We reached the giant bus and hopped on, before freezing. The front was a large living room type of area. Two couches were shoved against the opposite side of the giant flat screen T.V. Inbetween the two seats sat a door, leading to what I assumed was either an eating area or bedroom. The boys all piled in, grabbing keycards off of the end table. Most likely for the hotel rooms.

"Just in case we would've gotten mobbed." The boy was Irish. Obviously. I nodded following him off of the bus and up to the front doors. As we walked in they all pulled down their hoods and I was met with four gorgeous faces. The closest one with the black hair smiled slightly before leading me up the steps to the second floor of the Hilton.

"Here. Let me take that for you," the boy with the shortest hair and a birthmark on his neck reached forward and took my bag while my brother carried my suitcase. My own hands were finally free and I just wanted to rest, already practically asleep on my feet.

By the time we were up, the elevator being entirely too slow, I was leaning against black haired boy eyes drooping closed. I forced my eyes to remain open as I walked out of the small box. My brother wrapped an arm around my waist, keeping me up on my feet until we got to the room. My eyes snapped open when we walked in. It was giant. The presidential suite. Completed with a living room and kitchen and three seperate bedrooms.

"You're staying in a room with Zayn. The rest of the boys will be sharing rooms and their band, including me are staying down the hall." He gave me a smile before pulling me into a hug. "I missed you, Jenny."

"Missed you too." He pulled away, ruffling my hair a bit before taking my bags to the room closest to the kitchen. I slowly followed, seeing the empty bed and practically collapsing onto the fluffy white duvet. My eyes were soon closed and I was then sleeping in a hotel room with one of the hottest boybands I had ever seen.

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