Chapter Six: Jennifer Devine

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The next morning I woke up to a very loud voice yelling, "HONEY, I'M HOME!" And then, whoever this new boy was, slammed the door behind him, waking up everyone else I assumed.

"Stupid carrot freak," I heard Zayn moan into his pillow, rolling over and trying to fall asleep again. I, however was curious as to who this newcomer was. I slipped off of the bed, noticing that someone had taken off my shoes after I passed out. My head was pounding slighrly, albeit I was unsure of why. It had been perfectly fine before. But it had been a long flight, a rather scary one too, I realized, remembering the terrorist attack. We had to stop somewhere in Vermont to get all bags checked for a second time and even after that we weren't allowed to fly for a couple of hours. Maybe I was just really tired?

I stood in the open doorway, noting the boy with the stripes bounce in, eyes drooping as if he hadn't had any sleep. One of the other boys were already up, the one with the birthmark on his neck. The unmistakable smell of pancakes and bacon reached my nose, floating throughout the apartment.

"FOOD!" An Irish boy jumped out of his room. Next to that room came a curly haired English man from his own. I laughed slightly as the blonde boy ran to the kitchen taking a stack of what seemed to be at the least six pancakes and ran back out to the table, pouring a glob of syrup on the top and beginning to inhale it. I slowly walked out of the doorway, catching some of this new boy's conversation.

"What's the verdict?" It was birthmarked boy.


"That sucks, mate."

"Yeah, they said her sugar was low. So I stayed with her, seeing as to how her mum didn't seem to care. But she's back now." Wow. I didn't even know this girl, hadn't even seen her before and already I could relate to her. I plopped down next Blondie. He smiled, showing off some of the food stuck in his teeth.

"Well, someone slept in their clothes last night." I turned to see Curly take the seat across from me, beginning on his own stack of four pancakes. These boys could really eat. I looked in his green eyes to see him smiling as if he knew something I didn't. Instead of focusing on that I just nodded, eyes moving to my hands. Those eyes reminded me so much of Johnny's. I could see the devilish smirk on his face, the one that this boy's reflected.He could've easily been Johnny's twin.

"And who's this?" It was stripes who sat down with his own loaded, steaming plate of cakes.

"Josh's sister." Leprechaun boy said through a mouthful of food.

"Obviously. I meant, what is her name, Niall." Lepre- Niall, I mean- just shrugged, unaffected by his words.

"Jenny." It was birthmarked boy this time. It was then that I realized I really needed to learn their names.

"Nice to meet you, Jenny. I'm Louis." He smiled, as if fatigue wasn't eating at him at all. I attempted to smile back, although my eyes wouldn't meet any of theirs. Not after what I saw in the emerald pair of Curly's.

"Hi," I mumbled. They all exchanged looks.

"First words I've heard from you!" Curly grinned. I only nodded, feeling hot tears stinging my eyes. But I wouldn't let them flow. I couldn't, espcially not with these boys staring at me with absolute fascination.

"You alright, love?"

I nodded, feeling Niall touch my hand, trying to comfort me. I only snapped it back, remembering that night. I nodded yet again and then stood, eyes meet those emerald ones again before I was running to my room, past the sleeping boy and slamming the bathroom door behind me. The retching was loudly, and I knew they all could hear it. But honestly I was shaking to hard to care.

"Jenny?" It was Zayn, his voice hoarse for he just woke up. "Everything alright in there?"

I didn't sat anything, unable to bring myself to talk to any of these strange boys. Truthfully, the only person I would talk to was my brother. After everythin that happened at May's party last Spring, I had become so distant from my friends. I wouldn't talk to them, too traumatized and depressed to say anything. They all assumed I hated them and just stopped calling as they headed off to college. Like I really cared. I was perfectly fine in my room, enjoying my own company as I painted image after image, drew sketch after sketch.

"Jenny?" He was more awake now. I could hear the concern in his voice as I stood, flushing the toilet and rinsing out my mouth before opening the door to see him shirtless, only in boxers. His eyes were slightly drooping and I forced a smile before walking to my luggage and pulling out my sweats and a T-shirt. He gave me a confused look before finally understanding that I wanted privacy and leving the room, closing the door behind him.

I slipped on my clothes before heading to the bathroom with my toiletries. As soon as I was in there I saw my untamed hair. Each curly brown strand seemed to be in a knot at the top of my head. I sighed, attempting to drag the brush through it but it was no use so I just threw it up in a messy bun. Then I quickly brushed the vomit from my mouth and left the bathroom heading straight to my suitcase. There, I pulled out my sketch book and stared at the outline. It was his face. Johnny's. It stared back at me, unfinished eyes like open pits. So I grabbed my pencils and eraser before heading out to the dining room again. The boys were all finished except for Zayn. I could hear the others messing around in the living room but I remained atnthe table, drawing in the haunting details. I could feel the boy's hazel eyes on me as I drew. I ignored it.

I heard a knock at he door.

"I'LL GET IT!" Louis. Of course.

"Where's my sister?" It was Josh. I could see him at the door and slowly smiled before looking back at my sketch book. He made his way over to me, pulling out the chair next to me. "Hey, sis."


"Is everything going okay?"

I nodded, eyes on the picture in front of me. My hand drew line after line, ignoring the words he was saying to me.

"Jenny, what is this?" I glanced up at him, before returning my gaze back to the image. "I thought you were done with this."

And with that he was taking my sketchbook and looking through it. My sketchbook was like a diary to me. Something personal. And he was flipping through it. He gave me a disapproving look before wripping the whole thing in half. "I'm not going through this again."

My jaw hung open before I shot out of my seat, anger boiling in my veins. He didn't understand what was going on. He just assumed. He always thought he was right. That didn't give him any right to ruin my hard work. The stuff that was supposed to get me through college. He just ruined it, like it was his and it didn't mean anything to my career.

"What the fuckis wrong with you, Josh? You don't understand ahit that's going on in my life. I'm not a fucking kid anymore. You have no right to tell me what I can and can't draw. It's my God damn life, okay? Just get the hell away from me." I was yelling and I could hear the silence come from the room that had been full of yells and laughter before. The awkwardness was too much. So I took the remains of all of my hard work and ran to mine and Zayn's room, slamming the door behind me and crumbling into a ball of tears on the floor.

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