Chapter Seven: Sydney Weary

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I couldn't beieve it. I mean, I literally could not believe it. I had passed out. I had forgotten to check my blood sugar and ended up passing out. This wasn't good. Not only that, but I had woken up to find myself in a hospital room, glancing up in shock at the striped boy in front of me. Louis Tomlinson as I soon found. He smiled at me from his spot next to the window.

"W-what happened?" I could remember stuttering out, my voice so quiet I was sure he couldn't hear it. But to my surprise he did, giving me a faint smile and pushing off of the wall and taking the seat next to me.

"You passed out. I ran out and was about to ask you something for Nialler, but when you turned you collapsed. I caught you but you weren't responding. So the boys and I drove you here, careful to avoid your mum, for she doesn't seem that pleasant of a person. They had to leave though. Josh's sister was showing up today and..." I caught him off from his long winded explanation, giving him a weak smile, feeling as if I had just woke from being dead.

"Okay, not to be rude or anything but who is Josh? Is that one of you guys or just some rrandom dude that we're talking about?" He opened his mouth in shock. "And why are you looking at me like that?"

"DIRECTIONATER!" I raised an eyebrow.

"What the freak is that supposed to mean?" I snapped, pissed that I was so confused with everything.

"It's the opposite of Directioner. It means you hate us," he pouted, slumping in his seat and giving me a puppy dog look. I chuckled. This kid was weird.

"I don't hate you. I'm just not a fan of celebrities. They always end up being jerks. Always." He frowned, crossing his arms over his, might I say very, very fit chest, biceps buldging. Holy crapcakes, he looked good. I mean, most celebrities did but he had that playful thing going on for him and-. Shit! I needed to calm my hormones, like right away. He smirked, noticing me checking him out.

"Do we seem like jerks to you? I mean, I believe you are checking me out right now. I can't be that bad."

"You dee! I was just coming to the conclusion that you were nice! Now, your a stuck up dick head!" I grinned, the playfulness aparant in my voice.

"You're mean."

"Am not."

"Are too."





"Okay, I can keep this up all do so you might as well give up right now!"

"Are too!"

"No, I am not!"

"Are not!"

"Are too! Dammit!" I glared at him as he victoriously fist pumped the air, a huge grin on his adorable face. "That's not fair! You tricked me!"

And with that we were in a fit of laughs. Now, I couldn't help the grin that was on my face as I walked back into the hotel the next morning. Mom was there already. I had no school except for graduation that would take place later that day. Then, I was out, heading off to Stanford for their amazing medical program. But for now, I was sitting behind a desk, handin out room keys and retrieving them.

Louis had been an amazing guy, but he had to leave earlier that morning. I was just walking in at nine alreay thirty minutes late for my eight thirty shift. Mom was probably already mad that I had ended up skipping the rest of the work day. Sorry for being ill.

"VICTORIA SYDNEY WEARY!" Right on cue, my mom was spotted walking toward me, anger boiling through her. She was more than pissed. She was fuming mad. The empty lobby was beginning to freak me out, because I knew she wouldn't be afraid to hurt me right there. But instead of risking it, she grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me to her office. "Where the hell were you yesterday? I thought I specificaly said that if you missed another day of work you were going to be in more trouble!"

"Mom, I-."

"No! I don't want to hear it! You have a job missy. I was about to let you leave and head off to college. I was proud of you for it too! But now that I see how much you really don't care, how much of a game this is to you, I've made a new decision. You're not going to Stanford! You are staying here and working the Inns with me." My eyes widened as I realized what she was saying. No college, ever. I was going to be stuck in LA until I was forty. Life officially sucked. Stupid health problems...

"But, Mom! That's not fair! It wasn't my fault!" She glared at me and I instantly regretted yelling at her.

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"No, I-." I felt her hands grip me by the shoulders hard as she pushed me back to the wall roughly. I hit my head, hard might I add, and my eyes were quickly filling with tears.

"Don't you ever talk back to me again! I am your mother and I deserve your respect!"

Yeah, right, I thought to myself. But instead of saying it I felt the sting of her hand connecting with my face, the pain inevitable. I screamed slightly. She had never hit me like that before. Never enough force to actually cause me to cry or anything but today I couldn't help the tears that fell as I pushed her off of me with a force I didn't know I possessed.

"Don't touch me again! You may be an adult but you sure as hell don't deserve my respect. If anything you deserve to be locked up for abusing me along with that dick of a stepdad all these years." And with that I bolted from the room, feeling the tears still sliding down my cheeks, eyes trained on the ground. Soon, I was running into a muscular chest sending me flying back. They caught me by the wrist before I could hit the ground, righting me up.

"Hey. I heard yelling. Is everything okay?" I looked up into the brilliant blue eyes of Louis, remembering the time I spent with him. And with that I was wrapping my arms around him and crying into his shoulder. Words couldn't explain what I was feeling. My whole life was over. I lost my dreams and he was there and it was amazing to know I wasn't alone anymore. I had someone who I wasn't scared to get close to finally, because he was different. He wasn't judgemental at all.

"What happened?" He whispered in my ear, voice sending shivers down my spine. I pulled away and looked up at him, wiping at my eyes.

"My life and dreams were just crushed." I sighed, seeing the sympathetic look in his eyes. "You know how excited I was about Stanford? I mean, come on! Best medical program in the nation and me? Of all the people out there got excepted? It was a miracle and now, because of one stupid health problem I'm not able to go. Has my mom always been this much of a bitch?"

"Why? What'd your mum do?" It was actually pretty funny, hearing him automatically assume it was my mom. But he had seen her slap me not even twenty-four hours before. I sighed, looking up into his concerned eyes. The blue was amazing, alluring even. But I couldn't fall for him. He was a celebrity and if I hung around with him much longer he'd just be gone.

"You know what? Nevermind. I'll see you, maybe." I felt the tears still burning my eyes as I pulled out of his grasp and headed for the front doors, preparing myself for the packing I had to do now.

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