Chapter 3

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Grayson told me that he was gonna call Ethan to come over. I got nervous, now that i know that me and Ethan both share the same feelings for each other.

"you're gonna go to my house or something with Ethan so i can do this okay?" he asks me and i nodded with a smile on my face.

10 minutes after Ethan arrived.

"morning bro" he said to gray.

"morning gorgeous" he says and huggs me.

"morning eth" i said and hugged him too.

We showed everything that Grayson was gonna do, its now 10:28am.

"Are you ready to do this?" i asked grayson.

"yes" he said very confident.

"Okay, i'm gonna go to ther room and put an alarm for 10:33am so you have 5 minutes, brb" i said.

Grayson nodded and i went to Mels room, i putted the alarm and then got downstairs.

"go get her tiger" Ethan said

"i know you can do this okay gray?" i said and he nodded "love you gray i know you're gonna get her" i said and he pulled me in for a hug.

"thank you for everything Meg, i love you" we hugged and i just smiled.

Me and Ethan got grayson phone filming everything on the kitchen and then we left grayson there.

"so, my brother finally got curage to do this" ethan said

"yeah, i'm so happy for them" i said

"yeah, me too" he replies.

"i'm so sleepy, i think i'm just gonna sleep right here" i said stopping

"no you're not come on" he says

"Ethan i'm serious, i only slept like 2 hours and then we like did tons of things and now i'm tired" i said, he came to me and turned around.

"come on, jump" he said

i jumped to his back and he just carried me all the way to his house. I had my arms around his neck and my face in between his shoulder and his neck, his perfume smelled so good and i was comfy that way. I almost felt asleep there.

I heard Ethans front door open and i felt him getting up some stairs, then i just felt comfy, i was in a bed. i opened my eyes.

"you're gonna sleep" he said covering me.

"can you stay here, please? i don't like to sleep alone in a bed that i've never slept before idk why" i said

"of course i can" he said smiling, he took off his clothes and changed into pjs and got in the bed.

"i can't believe i forced Mel to sleep in my room here, with me" i said remembering that i didn't want to sleep alone the first night here so she slept there with me.

"you're such a weirdo" he said

"yeah" i said and laughed

"but you're my favourite weirdo" he whispered into my ear.

The light was off already and ethan just told me that, glad he couldn't see me blush.

"you're such a weirdo too, but you're my favourite weirdo" i whispered into his ear too.

I got comfy on the bed and then i felt ethans arms pushing me to him. we we're cuddling. minutes after i felt asleep.

I woke up and i was alone on Ethans bed, he left.
I got my phone and turned on the wi-fi. I went on twitter. Ethan just tweeted " I wish some moments could be replayed as many times as we'd like "
I favorited it.

i tweeted ' come here EthanDolan ' . he answered/retweeted me saying "you up already? I'm on my way".

A minute after literally he entered to the room.

"hi beautiful, did you sleep well?" he asked me while he sat on the bed

"hi, yeah" i said "what time is it?" i asked him

"its 3:11pm" he answered.

"really? where's gray and mel?" i asked him

"yeah, they are hanging out all day" he answered.

We just talked about random stuff and then we decided to go to the movies. Me and Ethan went back to my house so i could get ready. I took a shower and did all my usual routine.

I got my outfit of the day, i just used some high-waisted shorts with a black top and a kimono, for shoes i used white vans since the kimono was white too.

I got my purse and got it ready to go.

When i was ready i came out of the bathroom. Ethan was layed down on my bed.

"how do i look?" i asked him and he turned around. 

he came closer to me.

"you look gorgeous" he said and i smiled

"thank you eth, lets go?" i asked him and he nodded.

he called a cab and our uber drove us to the mall.

we just walked around the mall a little bit, and then we went to the movies so we can choose one to see. our movie was at 15:28pm, so we still had a couple of time.

We decided to go around the mall again and it would make time until the movie started.

we were just at like the principal point at the mall when someone called Ethan, we both looked in the direction of who called him and it was a group of boys.

"ethan, brother" the boy in the front said and they did their weird hand-shake thing

"wassup man?" ethan said

"so, today we're gonna have this party at sam's place and you should come man" he boy said

"sounds fun, i'll go, just text me with the details man" ethan answered

the boy in the front looked at me.

"hot girl right there man, you can bring your girlfriend too, she's gonna get the party more hot you know" the boy said and the other boys that were with that one looked all at me.

i looked at Ethan, he was with such a face, he putted his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to him.

"yeah, my girlfriend thats why i didn't like a bit of what you said about her" he said and he seemed pissed.

"i was just playing around man, chill" the boy said.

"you can play around with whoever you want, except her" he said 

"chill man, just come, i'll text you, bye" the boy said and they got away

I looked at Ethan, he wasn't with such a good face, he seemed mad. 

"Ethan?" i said/asked making him stop and getting in front of him, i was looking into his eyes.

"yes?" he asked

"you mad?" i asked

"no, its just that..." he said

"what?" i insisted


so ethan got 'mad' after that conversation with his friends, why would he be?

Thank y'all

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