The Guys Meeting Liana

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Leo's POV :

I walked out of the lab happy to see that liana was finally awake and that she didn't freak out when she saw me! (GUYS!! She is AWAKE!!) I shouted pretty loud making my brothers jump from their sits (what really) Don said surprised (it was about time) Raph said crossing his hands (sweet!!!) Mikey cheered out loud (come on don't you guys wana meet her?) I asked as I ran back to the lab my  brother followed me I was the first one to go in sense she already knows me, liana was siting in the same position I left here. My brothers entered after me, Don was the first to speak (hi, it's good seeing you awake, how are you feeling?) he said gently with a smile, liana was about to open her mouth to speak but Raph here talked before she could answer Don(hey feeling any better, they sure beated you up there) Raph said with a smirked, Raph and his attitude I thought, (bro give her a break she just woke up! And hi there cute girl how are you feeling) Mikey said joyful as ever, Liana giggled quietly and smiled (thank you all so much, I am fine) she said. (those are my brothers, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo) I said while pointing to each one (just call me Raph) Raph said (and call me Mikey)  Mikey said (u can call me Don or donnie) Don said (nice to meet you all I am Liana) liana said with a smile . Liana was looking at me with her big Blue ocean shining eyes they were so pretty! (so liana I was wondering, can you tell us why the foot clan were after you please?) I asked gently (Its OK if you don't wana talk about it, we don't want to force you) Don said while siting in his chair, liana let out a big sigh ( I know you all are curious about it and you deserve an explanation of what happened but before I inform you I need to call my family and check on them if I may)liana said and she was looking at me (yeah sure) I said as I gave her my tphone (thanks) she noded, she start calling her family, (hello..) they answered, it was a good thing they did cuz when she heard here mother voice  I guess we'll she was telling her mom so yeah her mom, I could notice her eyes got even bigger than before and she seemed a bit relieved , she also had tears in her eyes, I felt bad to see her hurt like that. (ok mom take care of your self don't worry I am fine byeee...) She said as she finished her call. (thanks again!) she said trying not to show she was about to cry, I felt even worse about it. (no problem) I said and sat beside her on the lab table and patted her shoulder,she looked at me and smiled. There was an awkward silence after that, (so are you telling us what happened?) Raph said as he broke the silence and crossed his arms, (Raph shut up) Don and I  said a bit loud, I tried to make what Raph said more polite (liana what Raph here meant to say that you don't have to worry trust us we only want to help you) I said with a smile,(they want me to join the foot clan) she said rapidly with a huge sigh, (whaaaaaat?!!!)  Mikey shouted surprised (your joining themmmmm!!!?) Raph said shouting too! I was surprised too, Liana just closed her eyes and then opened them(nooooo! No way I'll never join the foot clan are you crazy! I am just telling you they were threatening me, they said if I say any thing to anybody they'll destroy my family! You guys wanted to know!) she said those words strongly almost shouting,she then closed here eyes again, is she in pain?or was it my fault for wanting to know what happened? I asked my self, (are you feeling all right) Don said worried, Liana opened her eyes and said (yea..h I am fine) she said but she was looking to the ground (are you sure Liana cuz I think that there is something wrong) Don said and standed from his chair and started to walk towards Liana and me, I looked back to Liana she was still looking to the ground, as if she was trying to keep the pain in (Liana you are everything but ok) I said trying not to show that I was starting to worried sick about it! (it's just a headache) she said with her wide eyes (I am on it) Don said he walks to his desk again and brought a painkiller with a glass of water (here, this will make the pain go away) Don said handing the glass of water and the painkiller to Liana. She took the glass of water and the painkiller and drunk it (thanks) she said and tried to smile but It was a really weak one . 

A/N: hey sweeties, this is the end of chapter 3, get ready cuz something big is coming next chapter *heheheeh * ^^, I hope you liked this chapter, I'll update as soon as possible! Till the next chapter.

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